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The last one in the progress dialog can be tricky. I would try to avoid reszing that dialog.
Is it possible to rephrase the text so it gets a little smaller ?
There is no official way from Mircosoft to do that. But there is registry hack to do it.
But MC by default do not support to replace Windows Explorer by it self. Because MC promise to NOT modify ANY of your Windows settings.
Yes I've done it some months ago.
I've never performed it myself. Try checking registry keys from this post
> set up MC as the Explorer replacement
I think so. but how can I check that ?
Have you set up MC as the Explorer replacement? As far as I know, it is not officially supported. And using MC in a single-pane mode is not officially recommended as well.
For example here's Unity, a Game Engine software, which have a "Right Click => Show in Explorer" feature. It does open Multi commander but at the root of the drive and not at the correct path.
It's obviously not the only software to have this issue.
video at : https :// / WZFXJ2fsMMs
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Save and restore used path history
« Last post by krunoslavostrouska on December 09, 2024, 15:52:38 »
The Commander remembers the Path-history only during one session. After closing the Commander, the history contains only two opened folders.
Please save the history for 20 folders at least and restore them after start, adding new (maybe after it stood open for 10" or user interacted with something in the folder).
See Windows Explorer way
Translations And Language Packs / Re: German language pack - latest MC version
« Last post by User_99 on December 08, 2024, 10:56:09 »
Miss some strings for translation.

For latest pic: Can we have here more space?
"MB" and "Kopieren/verschieben..." are mixed.
Support and Feedback / Re: [SOLVED] MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« Last post by bgroper on December 07, 2024, 10:22:40 »
Thanks for your helps.
Yes, the problem comes from windoze, not MC.
I've managed to hack at the registry, and now multiple files are opening tabbed in Foxit as expected.
If anybuddy else has a similar issue, there's some useful ideas in this blog page.
Meanwhile, I've marked this as [SOLVED]
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