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Ok so FF so send both BITMAT and a FILE (HDROP)
MC take HDROP first if exists

Too take the picture is has to download it again. But that might be possible. I will check and see how other drop also work so it does not break something else

For Edge/Chrome it picks up the "FileContents" (file content) (Together with FilegroupDescriptorW  for filename) that is the actual file already, That MC saves.
ClipSpy shows the following clipboard formats:
So the clipboard contains URLs that point to the original image, binary bitmap data of the image and a path to a temporary *.bmp file for the image.

I guess one can not blame MC to take the available bitmap data instead of getting the original files from the URL (as Windows Explorer seems to do).
Therefore I withdraw my complaint. Thanks for pointing me to the ClipSpy app though.

Fun fact: Dragging and dropping an image from Edge to MC works as I would have expected. Why? Because Edge only delivers CF_TEXT and CF_UNICODETEXT in the clipboard and no bitmap data. Like with Firefox, both formats contain the image URL.

About making MC Open Source: I understand your concerns and of course respect your decision.
I don't have FF, so don't know what the drop data they send. MC just save the data that it receives. Often it is files.

with clipspy ( )
You can see what data FF is sending with d&d. and I can say if MC support that or not.

OpenSource. No MC is not a good project for that. it is too big. And no outsider would ever take the time to understand the codebase. it is massive.
And there is also a security concern. Having anybody be able to release a version of MC, a program that lots of people run as admin. It not good.
When images are dragged from a web page in Firefox and dropped into a folder in Multi Commander, they are always converted to BMP They should keep their original format, like JPG or PNG.

When dropping the images into a folder in Windows Explorer, they do keep their original format without any conversion. Therefore the necessary information must exist.
Copying an image in Firefox and pasting it into an MC folder is also correctly handled. It's only with drag and drop, that the unwanted conversion occurs.

Mathias, did you ever consider making the whole project Open Source, so that others could help fixing all these little nuisances?
Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename
« Last post by Theodor82 on December 02, 2024, 16:02:41 »
excellent thanks for both solutions :D
It's alright then, I understand. Besides, on 80 characters Fixed Width it works fine !  :D
Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 02, 2024, 13:07:48 »
If you still get this issue with the GUI acting out with beta build 3044, send me a mail..
Since Search was redone a while again. the PANEL option is no longer valid. It should have been removed.
Announcements and News / Re: MultiCommander 14.3
« Last post by JPCoetzee on December 02, 2024, 09:27:31 »
Thanks again for immediately making this available on the Microsoft Store. I'm not sure how many downloads you get from there, but I'm very grateful!
Actually. You might be right about the font. or combination of both, It uses the average character width, and based the calculation on that.

That is becuse it is the fastest way. The TextViewer is very optimized to be able to handle very large files. And for files that are changed all the time. like when viewing live logfiles. For that I want it to be as fast as possible.
Not sure i want to change that. Hmmm If I do anything about it it will be an option to switch to more exact measurement, but that would be an opt-in option in that case.
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