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It just have to be able to draw the font. Then windows will report how big the area it was drawn on. So the size can be calculated so it know to wrap it or not.
So my bet is on WindowBinds. becuse they to some tricky hack. and if the scrollbar is not standard width, I can see program miss out of the size of the scrollbar and some calculation goes wrong

All encoding should be wrapped. except maybe binary. wrapping does not depend on what encoding there is. it depends on how long the text is when rendered
Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 02, 2024, 07:37:54 »
OR use
Code: [Select]
as FileName

[N] - for filename
,4 -  Start from the 4 character , making it jump past the "(#) " part

But Jungles example are better if you have numbers inside the parentheses of variable length
Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename
« Last post by Jungle on December 02, 2024, 06:17:00 »
In the "Search and Replace" panel:

1. Check RegEx option
2. In the left edit field enter "\(\d*\)\s*" (without quotes) leaving the right edit field empty
3. Optionally select Replace only name
Support and Feedback / Multi-Rename
« Last post by Theodor82 on December 02, 2024, 00:50:42 »
Hi I have installed this nice program for a few days but I would like help from the community as regards Multi-Rename. I make a concrete example: I have 3 files to rename:
(1) xyz.mp3
(1) Yzj.mp3
(2) ZVK.mp3
Now I would like to delete '(1)' and '(2)' leaving Only the title and extension. With the previous program it was enough for me to do (*) and the result was
ZVK.mp3 (result I desired).
I hope I was clear and if there is a solution I would have really very grateful. I point out that I use Windows11 as S.O., MultiCommander (x64) v.14.3 (build 3042)
Thanks again  :)
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: coloring rules and selection colors
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 01, 2024, 22:15:45 »
Sorry. I don't agree,  Color rules are the default colors and the selection color should overrule that.
For example in command styled mode (That are the preferred mode) you have by default not even a background color for item items. You only see if an item is selected by the text color.
And then you will not be able to see if items are selected or not.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: coloring rules and selection colors
« Last post by multicart on December 01, 2024, 20:41:53 »
Selection color overwrite the color for rules. else you might not see if an item is selected or not.
As I already wrote in the first post, I do understand that regarding the BG color.
However, at least the TEXT color could be taken from the coloring rules.
Anyway, I sense that you don't want to do it. At least, I asked. Case closed.
You need to have the complete paths inside the quotes.. not quotes around each, they are separated with ;
Code: [Select]
nope, does not work

And the PANEL="LEFT" option of MC.FileSearch still does not seem to work. Or does it work for anyone?
I know, probably caching error or something.
Feature Requests and Suggestions / [Bug] "Show new replies to your posts" is broken
« Last post by ags on December 01, 2024, 14:51:32 »
There is an error, recommending to report it to an administrator.
Feature Requests and Suggestions / [Bug] Wrong cursor position after archive rename
« Last post by ags on December 01, 2024, 13:34:08 »
Using MultiCommander_win32_Portable_(

Panel working in "List" mode. Objects ordered by name.
User enters an archive. MC places the cursor right above the objects in the archive, on the [..] sign.
User exits the archive and renames it, adding a character at the end of its name, for example.

Observed result
User enters the same archive again. MC places the cursor on the last object of the archive. This is always reproducible.
In one case of archive I tested though, the cursor was placed one object before last, but I don't know why was MC behavior different on that archive.
The type of the archive doesn't seem to matter - I tried zip, 7z.

Desired result
The cursor should be always placed on the [..] sign.

PS: This weird behavior happens only once after rename, in all the subsequent archive openings the cursor is on [..] position. So if after rename the user enters the archive 5 times, the first time the cursor is down, all the other times the cursor is up.

I just noticed similar behavior when renaming folders
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