I. Language editor bug
1. Open Language editor on the one panel. Export and Restore work.
2. Open Settings page on the other panel. Export and Restore in language editor don't work.
3. Close settings page. Export and Restore in language editor still don't work until reopened.
I only get it to fail if the tab focus in in the opposite panel. If you click on someplace in the language so that tab gets the in focus. Then it will work.
II. MultiUpdate bug
Very often MU displays "Lost connection... Retrying..." and after few attempts nothing happens. Progress bar remains at the same position, no new "Lost connection... Retrying..." lines appear. After restart MU starts downloading from beginning and that situation may happen again.
It will only retry a couple of times. There are two download path i the update program. in settings you can change to/from use WinInet for download.
try change that and see if that works better.
III. Why does MU in portable mode store its settings in registry?
It does not. Normally it should not unless somethings with the settings have change.
In the about menu. It should say "Running in portable mode : yes"