Author Topic: Hang - Multi Commander Hang and shows "Not Responding"  (Read 46861 times)

Mathias (Author)

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Hang - Multi Commander Hang and shows "Not Responding"
« on: October 05, 2013, 12:50:32 »
If Multi Commander hangs and shows "Not Responding" in the title bar, Then Multi Commander is waiting for something to return before it can continue.
It is often because of some external source, Like harddrive with read/write error, network problems or other issues, But it can also be because of a problem inside Multi Commander.

To be able to figure out if it is because of a external issue or because of a problem inside Multi Commander I need a dump file of the hanged Multi Commander process.
From the dump I can see what Multi Commander is waiting for and often say if it is because of an internal error or if it is wait for something external.

After you created a dump file of MultiCommander.exe then upload it to
If you want some feedback on the result of my analyze of the dump file then post a message here on the forum or send me a mail.

See here to get information on how to create a dump from a hanged process