The time to wait for MC tool tips showing file properties to pop up is a little long - for me, when hovering file names. Not terrible, but considerably slower than regular Explorer.
I estimate that Explorer takes ~ 1/2 sec to pop up file properties, once the mouse is paused over a file name. MC takes approx. 3x that long.
If there's no way for users to adjust that (mainly for the file properties tool tip) - either a menu setting or knowing the right file & entry where the value can be altered manually, I'll live with it.
Another issue:
MC doesn't seem to display the full folder name in tree folder - when hovered, if the name is truncated by the panel width (as Explorer does).
I read & searched the online documentation for a setting on this - found nothing. I'd sort of expect this would be default behavior, like many apps do when folder or even path names are partially hidden.