I have 2 main issues: -
1- undo (e.g.<ctrl>+z) for accidental clicks like deletion

2- Script debugger tool more 'finished'.
#1 is my choice for a feature as I am guessing you will already have a plan to increase or alter debugger functionality.
I realize the undo function would be complex to implement, maybe instead it would be possible to call the last command/process line(s) from the logfile to the clipboard/a textview window. I.e. A quick key combo or button shortcut to bring up a dialog of the last few processes with copyable paths+filenames.
This latter could be useful in a variety of situations.
Perhaps a MCscript function to select lines of the log & then output to text file or MDViewer (as defined within the script) would address this?
This could also possibly allow selecting of: -
a specific number of lines, (eg last 5 lines chronologically)
a time range,
a file type,
an operation type etc etc
- allowing a quick way of checking things like what was deleted, which operations occurred on a specific file type in x hrs etc.
This could be potentially useful in a lot of environments.
I can of course open the log window & copy text out to search etc but integrating the search function to the log window or allowing me to script specific searches would be fun