Author Topic: Make as default FM  (Read 29225 times)


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Make as default FM
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:00:26 »
I've only just noticed that MC can't be made the default FileManager, or am I missing something? If I'm right and this feature isn't available or planned then this has to be my number one priority as a FR.

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2015, 12:38:40 »
Windows do not officially support that.. Doing it require Hacks of the registry, And it is not safe.
Also the rule of MC is to not to do any modification or changes in Windows. MC will never mess with your settings in Windows.

Somewhere in the forum there is a post about what needs to be changed in the registry for this..


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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2015, 13:05:30 »
Ok I'll look into that, thanks for your time  ;)

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2015, 13:16:51 »
Excellent, thanks for that, I just found it myself too :D


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Mathias (Author)

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #6 on: March 15, 2015, 17:30:14 »
Impossible to say. Depends on how the other works and how other manager handles parameters and multiple instances and stuff


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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #7 on: March 15, 2015, 17:55:23 »
Ok that's understandable.

It's just that the more I use Mc the more little niggles I'm coming across that make it more awkward for me to use!  :(

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2015, 18:08:12 »
There are many types of file manager.
MC do not follow the same way to navigate like Windows Explorer,  MC belong to the Commander styled File manager. (OFM , Orthodox file managers as it is also called..)
All started with Norton Commander on DOS in around 1986 or so
All commander styled manager are optimized for keyboard, speed and efficiently, But if you come from the Windows Explorer world using mouse this can be strange.
MC can be configured to work like WinExplorer in many ways. but not fully.  There are other file manager out there if full Windows Explorer mode is required.


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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2015, 19:33:13 »
To be honest I couldn't look at a file manager and tell which category it belonged. I have tried every one I could find and the best of them,  apart from Mc and Xy, seen to be no longer developed. FreeCommander is the only other option but seem a bit buggy for my liking.

I understand there will be differences and adaptations required but I would have thought things like full row selection and refresh in the context menu should be standard fare from one file manager to the next?!

Mc has some great features and really easy to configure for the most part, so I've tried to persevere with it. Auto update, file types, color filters, and some other stuff all very well implemented and easy to use. I applaud you on the way it's done, but I do find it strange how some simple things have been excluded?

I appreciate Mc is free, and the fact my needs are probably far less demanding,  but don't you want Mc to reach a large audience? What about long term, do you plan on selling a pro version?  You should do, but for both these you'd need to add more customisation options.  Perhaps it's far too early for all that anyway?!

Forgive me if I'm out of line for saying this, I don't mean it as a criticism just an observation, hopefully you are the sort of person that understands what that actually means? But... You seem rather 'closed' when it comes to requests. Do you have your own 'plan' for Mc regardless of users?

Still, I think I may keep trying with Mc as I really like it, despite there niggles!

Kind regards

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2015, 22:39:55 »
Mc has some great features and really easy to configure for the most part, so I've tried to persevere with it. Auto update, file types, color filters, and some other stuff all very well implemented and easy to use. I applaud you on the way it's done, but I do find it strange how some simple things have been excluded?
Not sure what thing you referee to are excluded. But since MC is not a FM like Explore, maybe those thing is not needed or does not fit into MC since MC is normally used in different way then Explorer.

but don't you want Mc to reach a large audience? What about long term, do you plan on selling a pro version?  You should do, but for both these you'd need to add more customisation options.  Perhaps it's far too early for all that anyway?! 
Don't care how many uses it. And one program can not fit the needs for ALL users. MC comes from my own needs and what I want to have added first. And if time allows user requests.
Selling? no there is no serious money to make with this. There is so many free FMs. And when start selling the demands for support/other stuff goes WAY up. And I do not have that time to administrate that. I have a day job as a software developer. and selling MC will not give so much so I can quit.
More customization ? really... There so so much customization already that I get complain that there is too much.

You seem rather 'closed' when it comes to requests. Do you have your own 'plan' for Mc regardless of users?
No. I add lots of request all the time. But if request does not fit into what MC is, Then they can't be added.
Or sometimes request are very complex and would require very much work to add. And since time is limited. I can choose to add 1 very complex feature or 10 smaller ?
And it depends on how useful it is and. Something that are useful for some user might might not be so for many other. I have to decide if it is worth adding something give benefits to very few users or something that many users find useful.
Often there is requests for something that can already be done. But in a different way. that they person who did the request did not know about.


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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2015, 22:48:22 »
I am curious, you keep stating that File Explorers and Commanders are different, would you mind telling me what ways they differ please?

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2015, 23:15:42 »
It is mostly changes that make using keyboard very efficient. Mouse some second.
And how it works are often the same in all commander styled apps on all platform (Win, Dos, Linux, OSX)
(There is some unofficial standard called OFM, not everybody follows it to 100%, depends on platform.)

Dual panel is core in commander styles, The active panel is always the source the "other" site is always the default target.
Main navigation is with keyboard..  Tab switch active panel,  arrow key up/down.. Insert key will select and move to next.
F2 refresh, F3 View , F4 Edit. F5 Copy , F6 Move , F7 Makedir, F8 Delete.  Alt+F1,ALT-F2 Change device Left/Right side.
Command line field where command like Cd, mkdir, and other command work that integrates into the app.

On platform that uses mouse it is often configured different.  Right click will toggle selection. right click and drag is a quick way of selection ranges. (Context menu are usually moved to right button and hold or rbutton dbl click)

and many many other small things that make using navigation and copy using keyboard fast.

Command styled key setup


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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2015, 23:39:30 »
I see, thanks for the description. Keyboard is not really my favourite peripheral, perhaps I should try a different app after all then...

Thank you for your time Mathias

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Re: Make as default FM
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2015, 07:27:55 »
You should try..  When you get used to it you will not go back :)

But unlike many other commander styled FM.. MC also has a WinExplorer Mode. That I suspect you been using. And that will not go away.
And it is improved on for each release.. But if there is a conflict between commander style setup and Explorer Style.. Commander styled win. But there is not many of those conflicts.