What I am looking for is maybe a menu option (that's saved on exit and restored on startup) to display the detailed file lists similar to the way a directory list is shown on UNIX systems - with the file name on the far right. Or let the user arrange the columns as desired and have a menu option to save the arrangement as the new default for all file lists.
Attrib Size Date Ext Name
I was able to do this with MS Explorer on XP but on Win7 it doesn't work the same.
Currently I can rearrange the MultiCommander columns into a UNIX-like format by dragging them around but unfortunately the icon remains pined to the left edge and that looks odd. Also, the program doesn't seem to remember the rearranged columns after exit and restart (unless I missed an option somewhere).
It would be good if the icon were in its own column or, at least, considered part of the Name column such that it moved with the name.