already added. There is already an option for that if you check the Beta/RC release
Hi Mathias,
Thanks a lot for that, now using this new option which seems to work perfectly,
this is really a huge usability improvement (at least imho!), you are a star,
thank you so much

PS: I'll quickly tell my little (success) story on how I was able to find and enable that option,
maybe it will help other users:
* I was using version 9.0.0 build 2532 which is found on the download page (at time of writing).
* I couldn't find that new option in this version so I started to look around for a newer version.
* I stumbled upon this post in the "Beta Releases" forum:
How to get beta releases* For users following these steps, keep in mind Mathias'warning:
"Beta release are to be considered unsafe. They contain feature and fixes that are not yet fully tested. So test them at your own risk"* Then I launched "MultiUpdate.exe" (located in the Multi Commander directory).
* In the MultiUpdate app, I checked the following options "Show detailed information", "Download beta if exi
"Backup existing version before updating" and I unchecked all other options.
* I hit the "Start" button (on the MultiUpdate GUI).
* After configuring my firewall to allow MultiUpdate to do its magic, MultiUpdate successfully upgraded Multi Commander
to version 9.1 build 2554 (at time of writing).
* In the new Multi Commander version I found and checked the new option "Show files above folder" (In menu "Configuration"
-> "Explorer Panel settings..." -> tab "Display" -> section "Sorting and Columns")
Many thanks again Mathias