Author Topic: Default Forum Notification Settings..  (Read 243 times)


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Default Forum Notification Settings..
« on: June 27, 2024, 09:33:25 »
Hello Mathias,

I noticed that the default notification settings in the forum, seem to be, to not notify the user of any updates.
Is that intended? I have to say, I often encounter this in other forums, I always wonder why that is.

If somebody comes and needs help or offers advice, why would the forum not tell about updates on this topic by default?
Could be, that some of the users never come back and see the help they got? It's just a guess.. o)

If anybody is annoyed by notification emails, because he asks a lot of questiosn (like me for example.. o), he can still disable the notficiations, but not enabling these by default? I'm not sure it's helpful to keep the forum and topics alive? Just my two cents of course! o)

Thank you! o)

ps: I only went into the profile settings today, to find these two settings not enabled, after I found a reply of yours by accident!