Author Topic: Internal CommandLine commands  (Read 38653 times)

Mathias (Author)

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Internal CommandLine commands
« on: July 01, 2012, 14:49:02 »
The Command line field support some special internal commands.

*<external program>Start a external program as administrator, Eg "*cmd" starts a admin prompt at current path
!<cmd / path>Normally Multi Commander will go to a path if it is enterd, Typing ! infront of the path will force the path/cmd to be opened by Windows Shell
cd <path>Change directory
mkdir <path>Create Folder
cf <file>Create a new empty file
alias <name>=<expanded to>Create a new alias, eg "alias d=d:\bin"
alias2 <name>Create a new alias for current path, eg "alias2 d"
topmost 1Change Multi Commander from being a always ontop. Use 1 to enable, else it will disable it
addlanguageUsed to add support for another language so that you can create new translations
importcmdUsed to import a script command fast.
dbg fologEnable full file operations logging
dbg fslogEnable full file system logging
dbg applogEnable fullapplication logging
:saveSave all autoload settings for all tabs. Same save that is done before exit.
:showhiddenChange the settings to show all system and hidden files
:hidehiddenChange the settings to hide all system and hidden files
:goappGo to the path where Multi Commander is started from
:userdataGo to the path under the user account where Multi Commander saves data
:gomcregGo to the path in registry used by Multi Commander
:gologGo to the path where Multi Commander stored the log files
:goconfigGo to the path where Multi Commander read/write the settings files.

Since v2.7 the following is also available

:boxGo to the location where you have your DropBox folder. (If you have DropBox installed)
:skyGo to the location where you have your SkyDrive folder. (If you have SkyDrive installed)
:deskGo to the desktop
:dlGo to the Windows Download folder (No available on Windows XP/2003)
:ctcClear Thumbnail Cache - Will remove all thumbnail cache information stored in memory
« Last Edit: August 25, 2012, 17:52:13 by Mathias (Author) »