-Maybe allowing the menu items to have icons will help. Currently only 'File Search' has one.
That is because of technical reason and should work soon. But not all command will gets icons since I can not draw my self and have to rely on free icons I find.
Also, please allow the users to configure the menus and menu items(rearrange, delete, add...). 'Menu customization' lets the users add their own Menus and Menu Items for those menus but it doesn't allow the same functionality for the original menus(File, Edit, View, Configuration..etc) and menu items..Icons for the menu items will make main menu more lively..
It is something that I been looking into. However it is not an easy task, The why MC works with menus are very special. MC is build around a plugin architecture. Everything in MC is almost a plugin, and all plugins can dynamically adds there items to the menus.
Allowing customization would require quite a bit of work and design changes.
-You can also allow more UI elements(such as the quick launch bar, move/copy progress bars, menu items dialog(?, not sure what it's called), etc..) to have their colors configured..
Most UI element takes there colors from what it is configured in Windows. And if you change that it will change in MC.
I have done some tests with overriding some of the colors but the result has not been good since some Core UI element would not change. so the look was not great.
Also the user configuration for it would be a mess, but it depends on how much of the configuration is exposed.
And speaking of colors, 'modern colors' are more than just plain colors, they also have gradients and the likes..
Not anymore

Modern as in Windows 8, then gradient are gone everywhere. (since it require a lot more CPU cycle. and that is not good for the battery)
Have been think to allow gradient background in the explorer panel. But because of performance reason I decided not to. But might allow it anyway.
(Also showing a custom images as a background, but same performance issues. )
-An option to display item path in the address bar in a 'explorer-like breadcrumb' (the one seen in windows explorer)..current crumb bar works fine but though it allows almost the same functionality as the breadcrumb, it isn't as modern..
Problem is that Windows does not expose their built in crumbbar for 3de party apps to use.
There might be some tweaks I can do to mine.