Thanks for the clarification Mathias.
5 sounds like it will be useful. I am now starting to wonder how virtual folders vs tagging compares.
More I use MC, the more I like your approach to many problems. Your filtering system (bottom-right of file pane) is a life-saver that I haven't seen so effectively deployed elsewhere.
I suspect MC could be a lifetimes' work however!

Don't want to hijack the thread with requests but I'd considered the following a while back & never got chance to request it -
MC focus grabbing - when I drag & drop e.g. from MC to imgburn, MC will take an
always on top position. Normally I have imgburn open & it will be overlapping on my tiny 23" monitor, so it can disappear backwards when I return to MC to drag files.
Is it possible to have
click-hold-drag set to allow access but keep MC in it's current position, (without MC jumping forward)?
My other request had been adjusting the default state for the find dialog - I recall you were going to look into that.
As regards the tutorials I agree that the best way to learn is to try & do something with it. Unfortunately I still find the available parameters too opaque to be able to imagine uses for the scripting.
Jungle has proved it has great capabilities - so I need to dig deeper.
I think it's traditional to have a 'Hello World' but something like a rename instruction would be a useful basic introductions to syntax.
I didn't entirely follow jungles script in the 'name as folder' thread & couldn't find anything that guided me through it. (I tried the debugger but that only shows some of the loops/links). So something that explained what was happening where would help. I can then extrapolate that logic I hope.
Is MC script a unique language or is there something I could look at which would give me a head start? Maybe this sounds dumb, but I keep thinking of Perl (which I don't know at all) when I look at the scripts.