Author Topic: Result of the requests for what should be added in the next couple of versions (  (Read 32157 times)

Mathias (Author)

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A while a got I asked what features you wanted me to add for next couple of version.

Well, The answers I got was very few, So I guess you do not want anything changed, So I guess I just add/fix things that I need for my self then.
Of the few request I got I will fix/add some of them.

Here is a list of the request I got.. Followed by some comments after the list

1. Search inside archives (including content search).

2. GUI settings for rule-coloring.

3. Some kind of status line for the current file in list mode.
   It might be shown when no items are selected, otherwise standart selected stat would be shown.
   Although i would like both of them to be shown but i don't see a way now. As there's only one file may be focused,
   maybe current file info might be shown in the main status bar (optionally), but i'm not sure it would look good.

4  Rearrange and remove  items in the copy/move queue

5  Able to select files into different Groups. or flag files/folders.
   So if I have many many files and I need to do different things with them I can go over
   them and give them different flags or put them in different selections groups.
   I should then be able to say copy files from selection group X (or items with flag x) to folder X.
   and then after that while that is copying I can start a new/or queue items from selection Group Y to be copied to folder Y and so on..

6  Show files as thumbnail with detailed info. Like detailed view mode but instead of an icon show a thumbnail and
   have the other columns to the right of the thumbnail stacked from top to bottom.. so after the image there are X rows (depending on columns shows) with the file info.

7  Add touch/gesture support. pinch to zoom for Text and Picture Viewer.. and other gestures..

8  Use custom icons for internal file associations. E.g. if default OS app for *.pdf files is Adobe Acrobat Reader,
   but MC's assigned app is PDF-XChange Viewer, so PDF-XChange Viewer's (or user defined) icon
   should be shown in the file list for *.pdf files.

9. Ability to set default file type for pasting from clipboard.
   E.g. i often paste img files and would like to save them in PNG format.
   Maybe "use by default" checkbox or just setting in config file.

10. In paste from clipboard dialog when i change file type, focus is moved to the filename field.
    It is inconvenient when navigating via keyboard because i need to switch to filetype combo again.

11. Apply 'Auto resort files after manual renaming' also to folders.

12. If i create folder la-la;bla-bla, two folders are created.
    But i want single folder with ; char as a part of the name.
    So i suggest creating multiple folders when name is CSV-string. E.g. "folder1","folder2".

13  New files are highlighted in color.

=  Below are some answers / comments to the requests

1. Search inside archives (including content search).
    This is something I would like to add.  And searching content of file in archives would require archives to be temporary unpacked. And this can be very slow.
 Some archive it might be enough to just unpack the file you want. but some archive unpacking all of the archive is required. Might start with supporting only Zip and some other archive format in the beginning.

2. GUI settings for rule-coloring.
   Yes this is something that must be added. However creating a UI for this is not trivial, It is not easy to do a UI for this simple. It can easily become very complex.
   I been playing around with different idea. But guess I have to settle on one of them.

3. Some kind of status line for the current file in list mode.

   I had some ideas with this before that did not work. I might do a simpler version of it instead.

4. Rearrange and remove  items in the copy/move queue

   This is something that have been on my list for a very long time. It also is something that require quite a bit of development time. But it is something that I want to do.

5. Able to select files into different Groups. or flag files/folders.
 Something similar is being planed. and It can be used for what you describe.

6. Show files as thumbnail with detailed info

  A detailed mode that shows thumbnails is something that I have on my list of request.

7  Add touch/gesture support.

  Touch support is something I would like to add. Problem is that is currently does not own a touch device So I can not add it.
  And if it gets added it will be possible to disable it and/or configure it like the mouse actions can be configured today

8. Use custom icons for internal file associations
   Yes.. When configuring Editor/Viewer I guess settings an icon there too might be a good idea.
  But what icon should it show if you set a different icon for edit/view ? Or Maybe have a Icon tab... Well I figure something out.

9.  Ability to set default file type for pasting from clipboard

   You really need a config for it ? Or would a remembering last used format. So if you used PNG last time it will be the format that is preselected the next time. Is that good enough ?

10 . Paste dialog - Focus is moved to the filename field

  I know. The problem is that it will select the filename part for you when you selected a format. And if you just do arrow up/down the combobox takes that as a selection. Im not sure that can be change unless the select only filename part is disabled. 
 However as said in the comments, pressing F4 is a workaround. Might not be good enough.

11 Apply 'Auto resort files after manual renaming' also to folders.

  It is not.. I will look into that.

12 . If i create folder la-la;bla-bla,
  As said in comment ; is used for separator when creating multiple folders.. But I like the sugestion with a checkbox in the Create Folder dialog to override it

13  New files are highlighted in color.

  It depends on what you mean with new file.. A new file that is added to a folder even if the file date are old ? Like copying a old file (and keeping filedate) to a new folder. is that file then new ? or is it files that are less then X minutes old based on file date ?
 If it is based on file date then RuleBased Coloring is the answer and when UI for that is fixed it will be easier to add. (Probably one of the default ones that can be enabled)


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2. GUI settings for rule-coloring.
   Yes this is something that must be added. However creating a UI for this is not trivial, It is not easy to do a UI for this simple. It can easily become very complex.
   I been playing around with different idea. But guess I have to settle on one of them.

Yes GUI for something like that is not easy.

How about making it work like many E-Mail filters things works.

When you create email filter you first select what field you want to match and then how to match it and then you enter a value at match against,

So here it would be three comboboxes.

  [ File Field ]   [ Match Operation ]  [ Value ]
And if "filename" is selected in file field then "Match Operation" will be populated with the valid match options for name like.
Is, Contains, Begins With, Ends With. and so on ?

Intel i7-6700K - Running on latest Windows 10 64bit Insider Preview

Mathias (Author)

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2. GUI settings for rule-coloring.
   Yes this is something that must be added. However creating a UI for this is not trivial, It is not easy to do a UI for this simple. It can easily become very complex.
   I been playing around with different idea. But guess I have to settle on one of them.

Yes GUI for something like that is not easy.

How about making it work like many E-Mail filters things works.

When you create email filter you first select what field you want to match and then how to match it and then you enter a value at match against,

So here it would be three comboboxes.

  [ File Field ]   [ Match Operation ]  [ Value ]
And if "filename" is selected in file field then "Match Operation" will be populated with the valid match options for name like.
Is, Contains, Begins With, Ends With. and so on ?

Yes I been think about something like that. But the hard part is how to do the advanced stuff simple.
Rules can have many sub rules like Filename contains "*.exe" And FileSize more than 1MB
Not sure if OR have to be included. One can just create a new rules for that.

So doing UI can be tricky. what option and features around it have, how it should work and look. Im going to start with the UI soon and it will be there in a alpha version shortly.


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Yes I been think about something like that. But the hard part is how to do the advanced stuff simple.
Rules can have many sub rules like Filename contains "*.exe" And FileSize more than 1MB
Not sure if OR have to be included. One can just create a new rules for that.

So doing UI can be tricky. what option and features around it have, how it should work and look. Im going to start with the UI soon and it will be there in a alpha version shortly.


Here are some ides of feature for the RuleBased Coloring UI and more.
 *  Rule to be enabled/disabled with a checkbox or something.
 *  Some kind of preview of the colors for the rule
 *  Import / Export so user can move / share rules
 *  Groups. So if group1 is selected then rule1,2,3,4 as set, group2 will set rule 2,5,6,7 or what the user now defines.
 *  Rule groups to be activated by script. So that user can defines hotkeys for different color groups.
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8. Use custom icons for internal file associations
   Yes.. When configuring Editor/Viewer I guess settings an icon there too might be a good idea.
  But what icon should it show if you set a different icon for edit/view ? Or Maybe have a Icon tab... Well I figure something out.

If there's only one association (e.g. only for View) so the choice is obvious. If there are several associations then icon should be choosen using priority:
1. Open/run association
2. Edit association
3. View association

This of course should be done only if MC decides which icon to use. User may manually choose desired icon.

9.  Ability to set default file type for pasting from clipboard

   You really need a config for it ? Or would a remembering last used format. So if you used PNG last time it will be the format that is preselected the next time. Is that good enough ?

I think it's enough.

10 . Paste dialog - Focus is moved to the filename field

  I know. The problem is that it will select the filename part for you when you selected a format. And if you just do arrow up/down the combobox takes that as a selection. Im not sure that can be change unless the select only filename part is disabled. 
 However as said in the comments, pressing F4 is a workaround. Might not be good enough.
Actually when you paste something from clipboard, the focus is automatically moved to the filename field. Therefore renaming is the first action performed in this dialog. So i don't know what is the reason to return focus to the name field each time.

12 . If i create folder la-la;bla-bla,
  As said in comment ; is used for separator when creating multiple folders.. But I like the sugestion with a checkbox in the Create Folder dialog to override it

Well, the reasons i suggested to use "folder1","folder2" when creating multiple folders are:
1. ";" is a valid pathname char
2. Enclosing folders in the double quotes (which is invalid pathanme char) is a common practice. And also some select files dialogs represent the result as a comma separated string with items enclosed by double quotes.


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I have a few thoughts on the requests lists:-

4 - would be something I'd also like to see.
5 - Is this like a 'virtual folders' kind of thing?
12 - I can see good reasons for the , vs ; debate, but would this impact the other uses of ; in MC?  (e.g. Multiple search locations)

As I usually only want features that require a lot of work  :P I am reticent about asking for/expecting them but -

  • I would like to be able to do multiple in-line renames without hitting <enter> between files.
    i.e. When I have one name in edit mode I can use the arrow keys to move the live edit field to another file.   The file left behind would auto save it's new name state.  Currently the arrow keys don't allow movement & focus shift.
  • I still would like the dialog mods I suggested elsewhere.,930.msg2834.html#msg2834
  • Generally I think I would benefit most from some scripting tutorials.

I don't want much do I?  ;D

Mathias (Author)

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5 - Is this like a 'virtual folders' kind of thing?

No 5 is not virtual folder. it more like tagging files but not permanent tagging. and then select files based on tag. Useful when you have to organize many 1000 of files and when you have tagged the files.Then you select all files with tagA and copy them to where you want them, and then the same with tagB and so on.

I would like to be able to do multiple in-line renames without hitting <enter> between files.
i.e. When I have one name in edit mode I can use the arrow keys to move the live edit field to another file.   The file left behind would auto save it's new name state.  Currently the arrow keys don't allow movement & focus shift.
I been playing around with something like that but it did not work good. But it was a long time ago. Might give it another shoot.

Redesign of that dialog is planed. But it is not on top of the list. but it is there.

Generally I think I would benefit most from some scripting tutorials
Hard to know what kind of example script to create. Easiest thing I think is to ask for for script on how to do things in the script forum. And then play around with it and change them.


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BTW, virtual folder is a good idea


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Thanks for the clarification Mathias.

5 sounds like it will be useful.  I am now starting to wonder how virtual folders vs tagging compares. 
More I use MC, the more I like your approach to many problems.  Your filtering system (bottom-right of file pane) is a life-saver that I haven't seen so effectively deployed elsewhere.
I suspect MC could be a lifetimes' work however! ;)

Don't want to hijack the thread with requests but I'd considered the following a while back & never got chance to request it -
MC focus grabbing - when I drag & drop e.g. from MC to imgburn, MC will take an always on top position.  Normally I have imgburn open & it will be overlapping on my tiny 23" monitor, so it can disappear backwards when I return to MC to drag files.
Is it possible to have click-hold-drag set to allow access but keep MC in it's current position, (without MC jumping forward)?

My other request had been adjusting the default state for the find dialog - I recall you were going to look into that.

As regards the tutorials I agree that the best way to learn is to try & do something with it.  Unfortunately I still find the available parameters too opaque to be able to imagine uses for the scripting. 
Jungle has proved it has great capabilities - so I need to dig deeper.

I think it's traditional to have a 'Hello World' but something like a rename instruction would be a useful basic introductions to syntax.
I didn't entirely follow jungles script in the 'name as folder' thread & couldn't find anything that guided me through it.  (I tried the debugger but that only shows some of the loops/links).  So something that explained what was happening where would help.  I can then extrapolate that logic I hope.
Is MC script a unique language or is there something I could look at which would give me a head start?  Maybe this sounds dumb, but I keep thinking of Perl (which I don't know at all) when I look at the scripts.  ::)

Mathias (Author)

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Don't want to hijack the thread with requests but I'd considered the following a while back & never got chance to request it -
MC focus grabbing - when I drag & drop e.g. from MC to imgburn, MC will take an always on top position.  Normally I have imgburn open & it will be overlapping on my tiny 23" monitor, so it can disappear backwards when I return to MC to drag files.
Is it possible to have click-hold-drag set to allow access but keep MC in it's current position, (without MC jumping forward)?
MC dos not control the window order. It must be Windows it self that put the program on top
But I have not seen this happen. If I drag a movie to a open media player. The media player pops on top.

I think it's traditional to have a 'Hello World' but something like a rename instruction would be a useful basic introductions to syntax.
I didn't entirely follow jungles script in the 'name as folder' thread & couldn't find anything that guided me through it.  (I tried the debugger but that only shows some of the loops/links).  So something that explained what was happening where would help.  I can then extrapolate that logic I hope.
Is MC script a unique language or is there something I could look at which would give me a head start?  Maybe this sounds dumb, but I keep thinking of Perl (which I don't know at all) when I look at the scripts.  ::)

Try the online doc.  All script functions on how the language works are there, and there are often small example for every command.

No it is not like perl. MultiScript is it own language but it is modeled to have a language syntax that looks like C/JavaScript/Java/Php, but with a bit of exception in some parts.


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OK thanks Mathias.
I guess it's maybe because the imgburn window doesn't like things dropped in the far left pane - so it blocks the drag.

I thought the script was unique & not a derivative, I will try to persevere with the docs, I'm just not 'feeling it' yet... :P


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If it's not too late for request :)

Flat (branch) view. Shows all files in the current folder and all subfolders as if they were in one folder. This might be useful e.g. to find a file by name or to use tools like the Multi-Rename

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  • I would like to be able to do multiple in-line renames without hitting <enter> between files.
    i.e. When I have one name in edit mode I can use the arrow keys to move the live edit field to another file.   The file left behind would auto save it's new name state.  Currently the arrow keys don't allow movement & focus shift.

Something like this is now available in build 1452.

Let me know if there are any issues with it


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At first glance it looks to be exactly what I need.
I need to spend some time playing around of course.  ;D

Thanks Mathias