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Support and Feedback / File symlinks not copied
« Last post by Bone Reader on September 30, 2024, 15:37:38 »
When copying file symlinks or directories that contain file symlinks, the symlinks are not copied.

In core settings / tab "Filesystem" / section "Junctions and Symbolic links", the option "when copying or moving" is set to "Copy or move the link itself".

  • When copying with drag&drop, the file symlinks are not copied at all.
  • When copying with copy&paste, the file to which the symlink points is copied, not the symlink itself.

Moving file symlinks works as expected with drag&drop and with copy&paste. The symlinks themselves are moved in both cases and not the files they points to.

With copy it should be the same way.
Support and Feedback / Re: List/Index Of Files and Folders
« Last post by NEOStrider on September 25, 2024, 13:01:43 »
That is great news, I will give it a try as described.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Support and Feedback / Re: List/Index Of Files and Folders
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on September 25, 2024, 12:46:27 »
select all files from the search and then Menu > Tools > To Clipboard > (xxx)  and you get a  list of all them in different format.. then past into what ever program you want.. if you paste into a folder in MC it will create a text file for you

If none of the format suites you need. then you can do it in Multiscript
Support and Feedback / Re: List/Index Of Files and Folders
« Last post by Jungle on September 24, 2024, 20:53:47 »
Some options are available under Tools > To Clipboard menu. Something more advanced can potentially be done via MultiScript.
Support and Feedback / List/Index Of Files and Folders
« Last post by NEOStrider on September 24, 2024, 20:06:04 »
I have used the search here and did not see it mentioned but is there a built-in function to create a list of all files and folders in a directory?
Support and Feedback / The icon of a .jpg file won't automatically load
« Last post by ivanskcheung on September 22, 2024, 10:13:30 »
Hi, I noticed that for any picture that I took with my Samsung Android 13 phone, which is then automatically synced to my Onedrive's Camera Roll folder, it only appears as a .jpg that uses an icon of the Windows 11 built-in Photo app. This issue does not occur for .jpg files that are screenshots or are online images. I've attached an image for your reference:
Beta Releases / Re: v14.2 BETA
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on September 21, 2024, 12:23:39 »
Will fix that.

Hm yes maybe always show it.

I see if I get some time to fix and push out a release soon.. Been very busy studying for some MS certificate for work, So right now I have very lite free time..
Support and Feedback / Re: 3 Screens (panels)
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on September 21, 2024, 12:22:05 »
No. the concept in MC is around the source /target panel.. that the panel that is in focus is always the default source and the 'other' visible is the target..
You can however have multiple tabs
Support and Feedback / Re: 3 Screens (panels)
« Last post by wynford on September 20, 2024, 16:40:51 »
Tried it, didn't like it, missing a lot of features MC has
Support and Feedback / Re: MC does not remember Window Position/Size
« Last post by kasu64 on September 20, 2024, 11:08:05 »
I noticed this anomaly:

Suppose I rip a series of DVDs with WinX DVD Ripper.
To do this, I open MC which displays the open panels, let's say A and B.

To rip my DVDs, I change panels for example to C and D,
I run WinX DVD Ripper to extract a whole series of videos from my DVD,
and I ask Win DVD Ripper to turn off my Computer once its task is finished
because I have to be away...

When I return, or the next day, when I turn my computer back on,
when I open MC it does so with panels A and B and not C and D.
because MC was closed with the computer and not by leaving MC...

To overcome this malfunction, while ripping my DVD, I close MC and reopen it...
and the problem is solved.

Hoping to have been useful to Mathias and everyone.
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