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Topics - matm

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / MC frozen while opening file
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:43:03 »

On my poor desktop, when I ask MC to open a code file with VS2010, which is quite long to load. While VS has not finished loading, MC is frozen and I cannot work with even the other panel.

Is there a way to make the opening thread less preemptive ?

Support and Feedback / Hotkey disabled in 2.8.2 b1291
« on: February 01, 2013, 17:31:27 »

Using 32 bit edition, hotkey for Go Up has no effect, whatever the key I set.

Can anyone confirm or do I have a mess in my config files ?


Support and Feedback / Reopening tabs issue in portable mode
« on: August 31, 2012, 17:32:11 »

I am working with v2.7 1171 32bit portable Edition, portable mode.

I have "Remember open paths"  checked and "Save only path to local harddrive" unchecked.
When I close and open MC, all tabs are there but network drives and shares are replaced by C:\ .
It seems like "Save only path to local harddrive" is forced.

The <MC install dir>\Config\ZFileManager.xml file contains:
    <path value="1"/>
    <onlylocal value="0"/>
    <sort value="1"/>

Could you confirm ?


Support and Feedback / Pasting clipboard data into Multi Commander
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:47:59 »
Hello Mathias

I have some deep subtrees with many different roots.

So if I had a subpath that begins with a backslash, e.g. \Prod\Batchs\Logs, and I paste it, I would like it to be appended to current path and go.
So if current path is M:\Accounting\, result path will be M:\Accounting\Prod\Batchs\Logs, and content will be displayed

Does it sound feasible?

Support and Feedback / current folder to clipboard
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:40:28 »
With MC 2.5 b1110, when browsing, default focus is on the [Go to parent folder] special item.
So if I use the command "To Clipboard>File/folders Path" to get the current path to clipboard, it failed.

1. Is there another method to copy current path to clipboard, that could be keyboard assignable ?
2. Could the To Clipboard commands work also on the special item as if it were the current folder ?


Support and Feedback / Compressed files handling
« on: June 28, 2012, 10:36:46 »

I may be dumb, but I would like compressed files to be opened by an external viewer (7z in my case) and did not manage to set it.
I tried to deactivate ziphandler plugin, setting a new file type case, to no avail.


Support and Feedback / Reopen tabs when closed
« on: June 04, 2012, 15:55:42 »

I realized that MC reopened as many tabs as there were when I closed it previously.
But all tabs that used to be on network drives (like S: mounted on \\srv\softs) or UNC paths are now on the root of C: drive.

Although I think it may be a prudential behaviour to not reconnect to network thingies (since it could lead to some timeout), I would like to share on how to help implement a better guess.
- I think mapped drives are easy to check : is the drive letter here, even if mapping is not refeshed. When clicking F5, trying to reconnect should get standard message (authentication, server not found, etc)
- UNC paths could be very slow to touch. So either a background thread to check against or do not reopen tab.

In both cases, is it realistic to do like for local drives: if previous path doesn't exist, try to get up one folder and re-check ?

And my last point:
- Is there a setting to disable reopening of tabs on next launch ?


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Internal Viewer - WordWrap
« on: May 30, 2012, 12:33:12 »

Could I suggest to add a wordwrap option in internal viewer?
Currently, since it doesn't scroll when we select past end of window, we never know where the select stop and if we reached EOL.


Support and Feedback / [Forum] Notify option
« on: May 29, 2012, 13:05:19 »
Is there an option to allow Original Poster to be notified by default ?

It will be handy for erratic posters.


Feature Requests and Suggestions / Silent Copy on mouse drag
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:54:32 »

I would like to change default drag'n'drop commands. Actually I would prefer silent operations to occur by default, and having a modifier to force dialog.

does it sound feasible ?

Support and Feedback / [FIXED] Copy issue
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:34:04 »

I am using v2.1.1 (1038) 32 bit on WinXP SP3.

I set up a button to do a silent copy (MC.Explorer.Copy NODIALOG)
When I use it to copy one file, it creates a subfolder with the name of the file and put the file in. I have no problem with standard Copy operation.


BTW, you save me so much time with this app. Thanks very much


The drives drop-down, with its shortcut, are of value to me.

One of the benefits having the drives as buttons is if I could reach the right-click context menu with it.
Drive context menu have some dedicated entries not available in folder one.
This menu is unavailable, even in the tree.
Since there is no "My computer" view, this is the only way to reach it from MC.


Script / Create empty text file
« on: May 14, 2012, 10:59:20 »

I have some use cases where i need to create empty text files. I would like to have a button/shortcut for that.
My workflow will be:
- Set the explorer panel in the folder
- Click the button
    * Create an empty text file and put it in rename mode, as it bahevaes currently when using right-click/New/Text Document

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Create New Tab on Double click
« on: November 20, 2011, 22:54:50 »

I think double-clicking the empty space next to the tabs could be used to create a new tab.



Support and Feedback / File filter issue
« on: November 20, 2011, 22:20:02 »

I try to filter out folders, so i tried :

-/* in the filter box. This hides everything, files included
-/*.* : This hides all files and folders containing a dot in their names

It seems the / sign is not handled well by the filter.

MC 1.2.0 build 851 64bit



Script / Toggle filter function
« on: November 20, 2011, 21:15:19 »

I would like to have a button that toggle display filter on/off. for this to work, I need to know the state of my filter.
Is there some MC.Explorer.GetViewFilter  that can retrieve the current filter, or a way to test if a certain kind of file is displayed ?

I would expect doing something like that :

Code: [Select]
@var $filter = "-*.log"

if ( StrIsEqual({MC.Explorer.GetViewFilter}, $filter))
     MC.Explorer.SetViewFilter FILTER={$filter}
    MC.Explorer.SetViewFilter FILTER="*.*"

Is there already some stuff to do that ?


Mathias (yes, you read well)

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