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Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« Last post by Ulfhednar on May 13, 2024, 11:36:47 »
Thanks for the reply Mathias.
I was trying to sync a folder & had some matching files; dialog opens asks for input - skip overwrite etc, clicked skip all & it immediately opened the same dialog for every next matching file. I.e. skip all isn't working for me.  Using the portable MC I was able to complete the operations normally.

...& I have just tried a regular copy operation of dissimilar files & MC 3007 CTD'd, error report dialog opened & then also crashed.  ??? :o

I can use the current portable build OK. This seems to be related to this build as it is new behaior since the update. Guess I will try fresh install also.

** managed to get the error dialog to stay up, fault in MultiCommander.exe, report sent.
Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on May 11, 2024, 18:41:01 »
Same issue but not just for archives, drive to drive copy / move also affected. v14 b3007 W11 x64

I'm not able to update anything ATM, pdf, jpg, rar, zip etc all fail with the skip all failing to persist error. Bit of a problem when trying to back up stuff....   :(
I also noticed some strange behavior with rar crashing MC under some circumstances.  Will try to repeat it & send in a report.

Is it best to revert builds or is a fix due soon?  I can use the portable! Duh!  ;D
Can you give a example when skip does all does not work. what Overwrite options is active.. "Ask" ? so it ask. or "Skip all" so it should auto skip them ?
You have:

Code: [Select]
Does that help?
Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« Last post by Ulfhednar on May 11, 2024, 10:55:28 »
Same issue but not just for archives, drive to drive copy / move also affected. v14 b3007 W11 x64

I'm not able to update anything ATM, pdf, jpg, rar, zip etc all fail with the skip all failing to persist error. Bit of a problem when trying to back up stuff....   :(
I also noticed some strange behavior with rar crashing MC under some circumstances.  Will try to repeat it & send in a report.

Is it best to revert builds or is a fix due soon?  I can use the portable! Duh!  ;D
Sometimes I get into scenarios where I have 20+ Tabs easily. A Dropdown List Menu of all Tabs Names (with Paths) would be a good indicator when there's way too much Tab Strip clutter & you can't see what the Tab Names are —helping you navigate faster (most browsers have this feature (Edge has Vertical Tabs, Firefox always had a built-in Dropdown List Menu (which is why I had to use Firefox until Edge added this feature much later !)) P.S: Hovering over each name is too slow, & since MC doesn't have a Windows menu it could be added to the right of the Tab Strip perhaps.  :D P.P.S: This much-needed feature could be something rudimentary like the Alt+Down-ArrowKey History List (this would work fine for the Tabs List !)
Note: Clicking on a Tab Name Dropdown Menu location path item should take you to that Tab.
Documentation / Re: Missing Documentation - Status
« Last post by Gloops on May 11, 2024, 03:20:46 »

I am searching about the date/time formats, where it is proposed to create a folder named by the date.

I saw that dddddd formats 2 figures for the year, two for the month, and two for the date in month. I was not used to consider that obvious.

In fact, perhaps the difficulty is to situate the exact context to use.
I later saw the Microsoft format is used, so I did not know exactly how this dddddd format was used.

I had to grope around but eventually created a folder with the date format I wanted.

Support and Feedback / Multi Commander stays in background
« Last post by Tetsuya_Tsurugi on May 10, 2024, 13:15:10 »
I have an annoying problem with mc 13.5: Sometimes I work with MC and others apps, the MC windows stays in background, and I need to close and reopen it to see it in foreground. Is there any option I don't see for avoid that problem? or is it a glitch?

Support and Feedback / Dynamic Documents folder path
« Last post by Appliance5712 on May 10, 2024, 10:28:53 »
I would like to have a tab that points to a folder in the users Documents folder. I do not want it to be an absolute path as I will be sharing a saved tab configuration and I need the path to adapt to whichever user is logged in.

For example "C:\Users\*CURRENT USER*\Documents\Subfolder"

Is there a way I can do this?

I switch between different sets of locked tabs often using custom buttons, and because I have 11 or so locked tabs in each tab set, when I open a new set I have to hammer the 'Yes' button 11 times when the 'Close Tab?' dialogue appears.

There are two solutions I can see:

a 'Yes to all' button in the "Close Tab?" dialogue


a parameter that can be used with the MC.LoadTabs command that forces closing all locked tabs without asking

Having both options would be amazing!

Thank you for your work on multicommander, it's a fantastic software!
Support and Feedback / Re: FourCC column shows nothing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on May 07, 2024, 13:55:04 »
MC is using Windows Property system for getting Meta data for some of the properties. And "FourCC" is one of them. So look like Windows do not support getting all meta data from .mkv files. mp4 and some other formats works.
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