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Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander hangs on the splash screen
« Last post by rzharding28 on August 15, 2024, 00:29:42 »
Thank you Mathias,

I cannot work out how to enable full logging, even after reading the documentation.

Could someone please assist?

Many thanks.
Support and Feedback / Re: MC does not remember Window Position/Size
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on August 14, 2024, 23:06:31 »
Last Windows position is stored.
It is not stored on the normal configuration since it is not information that is user configured.
For installed version in the registry for portable in the registry mirror files (.ini)

Not sure why it is not saved for you. I cannot replicate that, If you are using some sort of sandboxing it may clean out the registry between runs..
Support and Feedback / MC does not remember Window Position/Size
« Last post by janicoma on August 14, 2024, 15:52:30 »
Hi happy users,

I like MC, after installing it today I am just setting everything up.

If I restart the window is somewhere in the middle of the screen. Other windows of Office, Windows Explorer etc. are stored. I have Win 11 64bit not portable Version.
Config files are writable, are changed and also the registry.

Obviously, this position is stored in the config-files. So 3 questions.

1.) Does MC generally not store the window size and position?
2.) is there a command line parameter I can use?
3.) can I hard store the X and Y coordinates of the window somewhere in the config files?

Help is appreciated,
Good day,
Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander hangs on the splash screen
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on August 13, 2024, 20:04:04 »
Exactly what it say on the splash screen is not relevant, since the startup is parallell and it does many things at once. If you enable full logging everything it does in outputed to the application log

hangs at startup is often it is because some some network device that windows think is online but is offline.
During startup MC will get information about all available device. And Windows sometimes sees network connected device that are offline as "not offline" at it will hang there until it timeout
Support and Feedback / Multicommander hangs on the splash screen
« Last post by rzharding28 on August 13, 2024, 02:54:39 »

Mutlicommander (x64) v14.1 Build 3017

I uninstalled both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Multicommander on my PC and reinstalled both.

At a client's site, the installation stopped and would not proceed due to a problem with the file below.


When Multicommander runs, it hangs on the splash screen.

My installation works OK.


Screen Shots / A Secret Weapon For Missionary Sex
« Last post by AlisiaNna9 on August 03, 2024, 16:29:44 »
It’s the reality that Marnie in some manner, even if it doesn’t make substantially feeling, is dealing with Anna uniquely in a way that by some means feels excellent. Your suggestions and vitality --
withheld -- could even cause it not to come about. Instead of allowing the mass media to suck the strength out of us
with their war-panic propaganda, we could be concentrating our energy to
develop our Utopia. Boycott Methods
 I shed my want for most products by not looking at, listening to
or looking through the mass media. I can stroll by the biggest and greatest retailers
and not need any point. We cannot assume to create a ideal earth, but can
certainly figure out a thing improved than what we have now. This distraction could
lead to some folks to imagine that demonstrators are producing adjust for
the improved. Can you imagine of something to do, that would be a lot more valuable to
you, than serving to to create a new and superior program? I no for a longer period fear about what other people today feel of me.
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Balu on July 29, 2024, 23:37:57 »
Is this feature something that could be potentially coming in the future? If this setting would be easily accessible like hiding a toolbar etc., then you could select your sorting order, then hide it, and if you want to change the sorting order you could just show the header again, change it, and then hide it again. Although, I never really change the sort order apart from setting it up the first time, so to me, that header is just occupying space I would very much like to have for my file and folder list. At least this is the case when I'm using list view, which I do all the time.
@Mathias (Author),
I think @Balu just wants to hide the entire header with column names, not the particular column itself.
Yes, that is correct!

Ah remove the header.. no that is not currently supported. without the header you would not be able to change the sorting to something else or to change the width of the name columns..
Support and Feedback / Re: Is it possible to hide column headers in List View?
« Last post by Balu on July 29, 2024, 12:57:39 »
@Mathias (Author),
I think @Balu just wants to hide the entire header with column names, not the particular column itself.
Yes, that is correct!
Beta Releases / Re: v14.2 BETA
« Last post by Ulfhednar on July 29, 2024, 12:36:29 »
Just wanted to say thanks Mathias for the updates & additions of this month.
Lot of things I need to experiment with  ;D
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