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Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 18, 2024, 13:43:23 »
It say it failed to load image.. guess there are lots of none image files there

No WIn10 issue.. Works on all machine I test on.. Not sure what you expect to show if you view lots of none picture files..  Try to actually view some pictures

If settings are stored in APPDATA then you are not running portable.
There only different between portable and not is a default configuration option in app/config/multicommander.xml
Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« Last post by total_annihilation00 on December 18, 2024, 13:35:57 »
It still doesn't work, but here's the Application Log when I'am invoking the PictureViewr & pressing Space/Backspace, & I gotta ask: why is it storing settings in APPDATA\Roaming ?! I'am running the Portable Beta version though. P.S: The second log in the same textfile is better as I experimented /w launching Images more /w it. Also could this be a Windowz 10 problem ? I'am running kinda low on disk space & I'am using K-Lite Codec Pack, if that helps.
Beta Releases / v14.5 BETA
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 18, 2024, 12:28:11 »

-- 3050 ( 2024-12-18 )
 ADDED - Logging for when PictureViewer failes to open image
 CHANGE- Preload cache for Picture viewer change from 10 to 5
 FIXED - PictureViewer now always show filename in titlebar, even if it failed to load it
 FIXED - Rename - Replace in file now support large input texts and also remember last used text again
 FIXED - PictureViewer should work for Win7/Win8 again
 FIXED - 2 Stability issues

-- 3049  ( 2024-12-16 )
 ADDED - Command line field command ":find <wildcard>" will start a FindFiles operation finding files matching the wildcard filter ( Eg ":find *.txt" )
 ADDED - Picture viewer can now go to next/prev image in that folder automatically
 ADDED - Path history can now be remembered between sessions
 ADDED - FolderTree - Highlight of active folder and their parent can now be configured to be shown with different style/color
 ADDED - Some File Drops from some other applications will now be handled better
 FIXED - Cleanup configuration removed for Portable mode
 FIXED - 6 Stability issues
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by dech on December 18, 2024, 12:05:12 »
so i have deleted the FileTypes.xml  and it works (viewer - F1 button)!  ver 14.2.  x64  (installed ver, not portable)

i will check later the 1) 2) issues

thank you for support
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 18, 2024, 11:13:51 »
So then it is a configuration issue in your downgraded 14.1. 
Configuration for installed version is stored at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\
if you can try to delete just FileTypes.xml. and se if that help. else you might need to delete them all.

Look like the new picture viewer in 14.3 does not like Win8.. might be an easy fix, maybe. There will be a new beta for 14.5 today that does something to one win8 issue I found.. but there might be more, Im not sure.
I don't have a machine with that old OS so I cant fully test that.

1) No MC has no control over how the preview of PDF looks like..  It uses the Preview Handler that are install into the Windows Shell (Windows Explorer) MC has no control of the button inside it. It can all depends on what preview handler for PDF is installed.

2) You can edit the Preview template in Menu > Configuration > Preview Customization.. However I recommend to backup the DataPreviewTemplates.xml file first. since it is very easy to mess up the templates
and for PDF it is the "Windows Preview Handler" that needs to be modified. This also changes the template for all other format that are handled and shown by the Windows Preview Handlers. (pdf , ms office documents)
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by dech on December 18, 2024, 11:06:08 »
in portable 14.2 it WORKS  :)  ...eeee what is the conclusion?  :)  is there way it can work in last version...for me on win8 ? i see you are the maker himself  8) the VIEW works - i see that the viewer is not made as i supposed it will be -
1) could you please add some simple tools like zoom/rotation (not edit image file but just adjust the view on the file ) to the PREVIEW tab ?
like you have for PDF files (well rotation is missing there too - this would be there appreciated too)

2) is there way how to hide the info panel below image/pdf file - it takes space - the less is for image/pdf

see picture
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 18, 2024, 10:03:02 »
downgrade - i downloaded the  installation file and install it , without uninstalling previous version it overwrited the higher ver.

portable ver. 14.4  behaves same way as the installed - in extension plugin manager are the "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" missing

log is in attachement  - no error  (now ver 14.1)
Sorry I meant portable for 14.1 or 14.2, The new picture viewer was added in 14.3 We already establish that the new picture viewer does not work on Windows 8.
If that work then it is a configuration issue

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by dech on December 18, 2024, 10:00:40 »
downgrade - i downloaded the  installation file and install it , without uninstalling previous version it overwrited the higher ver.

portable ver. 14.4  behaves same way as the installed - in extension plugin manager are the "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" missing

log is in attachement  - after hitting F1 or "View" button on the toolbar (next to the music note icon) on image - no error  (now ver 14.1)
Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by Mathias (Author) on December 18, 2024, 09:16:40 »
Might be that something in the new PictureViewer is using something that Win8 does not support. I will check (  14.1 is using the old picture viewer, and is not depended on Windows)

config look correct. But hard to see from screen shots.
When downgrade.. did you do a full reinstall ? Does it work in portable package out of box without configuration ?

Not sure why View does not work for you. any error in the log windows (Ctrl+L) ?

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« Last post by dech on December 18, 2024, 08:44:42 »
i have forced update - no change

i have downgraded to v 14.1  (build 3017) - now i see the extensions
and also i see , in file type setup, the MC picture viewer

but still nothing happens when i "View" button on the toolbar (next to the music note icon) or
F3 / F1 (depending on setup)

i have win 8.1 Pro   64bit
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