MultiCommander v14.2 is released!
#SingleInstance, Force#Warn#NoEnv#InstallKeybdHook#InstallMouseHookSetTitleMatchMode, RegexSetKeyDelay, 32, 32ListLines, On#ifWinActive ^Multi Commander v\d ahk_class ^Afx:00007FF77F9A0000:0$/* MultiCommander:Open Drive in New Tab - from the DriveBar*/$MButton:: MouseGetPos, gxPos1, gyPos1, gWin, gControl if( gControl == "ToolbarWindow321" ) { Send, ^{t} ; New Tab Send, {LButton} return } Send, {MButton}return /*MultiCommander:Change Tabs with WheelUp|WheelDown when the mouse is NOT over the file panels.*/*$WheelUp::*$WheelDown:: wheelKey:=substr(A_ThisHotkey, 3) if( GetKeyState("RButton", "P") && watchWheel ) Send, % "{Blind}{LCtrl Down}" . (wheelKey == "WheelUp"? "+":"") . "{Tab}" else Send, % "{" . wheelKey . "}" return$RButton:: wheelKey:="" MouseGetPos, gxPos1, gyPos1, gWin, gControl if(RegExMatch(gControl, "^ZMULTILISTCTRL\d+$")) { Send, {Blind}{RButton Down} KeyWait, RButton Send, {Blind}{RButton Up} return } watchWheel:=TRUE KeyWait, RButton if( !wheelKey ) Send, {Blind}{RButton} Send, {Blind}{LCtrl Up} watchWheel:=FALSE, wheelKey:=""return#ifWinActive