Localization bug. Lines 40-42 for Application.File Search.b (toolbar) removed from the file, but actions still active in the popup menu. So they have empty captions.
Whops forgot to change the command for the context menu. Thanks now Fixed.
Another localization bug. Now in MultiViewer. Captions for "Word Wrap" and "Line Numbers" are shown translated only in settings but not in menu.
Strings "Toolbars" and "Panel Tab" in Core Settings have no localization.
Thanks.. now fixed.
Also in localized version (at least in Russian) tab captions for settings look wrong. 'Core Settings' looks like 'Core Настройки' and the same for 'Explorer panel'. But if in the first case it can be solved by simple translating of the 'Core' word, in the second case it is harded. So maybe two independent strings could be added?
I Don't really I understand what the problem is.
Splitting up "core" and "settings" ? , If "core" and "Settings" are two string and then join them ? I don't think that is good.. because in some languages when translating the word shift places. like it would be "settings core".
If you can not translate the word "core" maybe use an another word. Base Settings, Main Settings, or something similar.
There is no localization string for 'Lookup in Google Translate' (Language Editor)
Yes. I know. I had that as a low prio item since if you do translation you do understand English

and only a hand full of user uses the editor