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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 133 134 135 136 [137] 138 139 140 141 ... 172
Support and Feedback / Re: Delete files without confirmation
« on: March 20, 2013, 07:42:20 »
There is no option for that anymore. To many users accidentally delete files they did not want to delete.

It might comeback as an option for the script command, or as option for when sending to recyclebin. (However. that is not entire safe either, when deleting many files Windows will automatically cleanup old stuff  if the recyclebin is getting full.. and if you accidentally press delete on a folder with LOTS of files. you might still lose some of them )

Safest thing is to just mark all the files you want to delete then press delete. and you only have to press it once :)
OR use search to find all files you want to delete and delete them from there :)

Support and Feedback / Re: Rename: replace the original file name
« on: March 19, 2013, 17:18:46 »
If you want to rename a single file then don't just the MultiRename tool. It is used when you want to rename Many files based on some rules.
For single file rename press Menu>Tools>Rename current file.  or Shift+F6, Or slow Click and wait on an item.

For the Mass renamer.,Then [N] tag does not need to be there. It just represent the current file name. you can type "MyFile" instead but if you got multiple files in the list then you will get a conflict since not all the files can be named the same then you need to add a [C] (counter) tag so the files get a number too or something.

Support and Feedback / Re: Invert selection
« on: March 19, 2013, 15:29:05 »
Ok.  I think it is related to the 'explorer' style, but as I don't use commander style I'm kinda stuck.
I am trying commander style but finding there some 'other' problems of sticky/persistent selection, I may not be using it correctly of course.
When I try to inverse or revert selection I seem to be getting several groups selected.

Does the mouse config allow me to override explorer & bypass this issue?

Will play about for a while.
By default it will remember selections. But that can be turned off. (Explorer Panel Settings > Remember selected files/Folders when changing path)

Invert selection works for me with Windows Explorer mode.. I think you need to give me a Repo Case that I can go thou step by step do be able to see what you do and recreate it, because all this selection and stuff can be done in many different ways..

Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse Configuration  together with the "Selection Methods" settings are used to configure CommanderStyle/Explorer Style.

Support and Feedback / Re: Invert selection
« on: March 19, 2013, 13:40:49 »
invert selection via the quick launch icon sometimes retains 1 or more previously selected file(s).  * also can fail when I use it as an alternative or after the button click fails.
If you use Explorer Styled key/mouse setup it can mess with things since it always wants to select focused item.

In settings->filesystem - Deselecting confirmation dialog for deleting folders that are not empty - dialog still displays.
Tried a restart but had no impact.  I will see if removing/restoring the inverse button has any effect.
Just to work. I will check..

& possibly a root cause/related 'error' - selection is sometimes 'sticky'.  Item remains selected even if I click away from it & I can hit 'back' & go to that previous selection 2 steps back, not 1.  This isn't consistent just occasional.  Double clicking on another item usually recovers selection focus.
Not sure I understand. But some selections features works bad when using Explorer Styled mouse/key setup, because they are in conflict of each other.


1) Copy/move file gives option to rename file, can this be added to the folder copy/move dialog (currently only destination path is editable, if I add the folder name to the path it will add the moving folder as a sub-folder)?   Perhaps a right click on the move/copy icon could be used for this.

2) Option to display copy/move progress speed in mbs not just kbs.

3) Delete folder dialog doesn't show size of folder to be deleted.  Listing the content/filenames is good, a total content size output would be great!
When deleting a folder containing files & sub-folders - the option to delete to recycle bin w/out secondary confirmation dialog.

1) It only gives you a chance to rename the target file if you copy 1 file. else it is the target path that can be changed.
And folders can not be "renamed" because how do you know if new name should be the new target path or the target name for the folder ?
(But there is changes coming for this..)

2) It is kind of on the list. There are a lot of changes planed for the progress dialog.

3) it did not fit in the window. But it is planned.. Just have not had the time to rebuild the UI for it ,  Would require a lot of scanning before even showing the dialog and that would slow things down...  You can disable some "questions" under core settings => FileSystem

It does not fit so well in favorites in how it works.. But you can do it with script

Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Goto LEFT="D:\Folder1\" RIGHT="D:\Folder2\"
But another feature is planned where you will be able to create work sessions. And it will be able to change all tabs to what is configured and not just the two that are shown.

Support and Feedback / Re: New user
« on: March 15, 2013, 17:27:22 »
Find dialog -
can I force more or less view on open?
Most often I search inside files so having the dialog open in 'more' status would save me a click.  ;)

Multi-rename -
how do I exclude the .ext from edit?
If I have a SAR a with b on abc.avi I get bbc.bvi

Assume I'm doing something wrong....  ::)

A) No..  (But will change so it remember last setting )
But there is hotkey ctrl+C to move focus to "File Content" field. problem is that ctrl+C is also copy to clipboard :) and when dialog first is show focus is in "Look for" field so ctrl+C will not work to change forcus. but pressing tab first to move out of that field work.
So Tab then Ctrl+C and focus in the "File Content" area.
(Hmm Btw, I think Ctrl+X will toggle more/less of the dialog without changing focus)

B) Looks like a case that was missed. I think a new option for the Search / Replace is needed,  something Replace in Name and Ext, Only Name, Only Extension.
Will try to add that to the next release. should be easy.

Support and Feedback / Re: New user
« on: March 14, 2013, 18:56:39 »
I might add an option for it. Not sure if it will be for just the tab label or a more common font option that will be used in many places

User Contributed Content / Re: Credits - Icons
« on: March 14, 2013, 18:24:40 »
I tries to load them in correct size first.

If requested size does not exists it will rescale.
And that works a bit different on XP vs Newer OSes.

XP it will load the next image going down in size. and then scale up.
From Vista and above it will try to load bigger image and then scale down.

I do not think so.. But you can create a script and assign that script to Arrow Key.

Create a UserDefinedCommand of "Multi-Script" Type

Code: [Select]
@var $path = GetSourceFocusPath();
MC.Explorer.Goto PATH={$path} SOURCE

Save command and assign to Right Arrow key.

Support and Feedback / Re: New user
« on: March 14, 2013, 18:11:00 »
Can these have more than 1 row?
Not currently. But they get smaller the more you have.

Can I change the font used?
For the tab label ? or for the text inside the tab ?
Tab label, No it should use the font set as default font for Windows.
Text inside the tab. Depends on what extension is shown in a tab..  If it is a Explorer Panel that is shown, the font inside that can be configured.

Any input appreciated.

User Contributed Content / Re: Credits - Icons
« on: March 14, 2013, 18:05:08 »

Like them, Except the "(?)" icon, Not sure it says "rename" for me,

I have not tested, but the icons are only in the size 32x32.. So might looks strange if user are running another size, because then they are auto resized to 16 or 24/48..

Support and Feedback / Re: New user
« on: March 13, 2013, 21:25:58 »
Something like:-

Available settings are
Code: [Select]

I wondered how to drag & drop folders with media into VLC via a button.  I tried both vlc.exe & the full path c:\....exe but it didn't work.  I based the attached screen on the 'Notepad' button but I just get an invalid path msg when dropping files & folders on the button.
What you written should work. I do not have vlc.exe but for other program it works. (I used full path)
Press Ctrl+L and look at the Application log and see if some error is printed there

I'd like to know if I can do the following :-
*invert selection
*customize (add/remove/edit) top toolbar buttons  (e.g. I would like to add the existing F3 search command/icon to the default top toolbar)
*Alter size & number of the buttons at the foot of the main dialog.
*Run files from the search dialog (i.e. Double click a result & have it run (in its' default handler where req'd))
*Undo (call ctrl+z, or use the MC history log to step backwards)

BTW I like the idea of preview panels at opposite ends of the main dialog, that would be very useful.

* Exists in menu and with hotkey num*
* Main toolbar can not be changed. But it is possible to add own command to the quick launch bars. (the area after the command line field. (and also possible to add an entire new quick launch bar row ))
* The number of buttons in the button panel can be change by manually editing MultiButtons.xml  at the top there is a rows="4" cols=8" items that can be change.
 a settings for that, is coming. so in the future you will not need to manually change that.
* Right now you press return twice.  first time for taking you to the item on the filesystem, a second time for executing it. :) but a option for it is planed. Got a long list with changes planed for search
* Undo is not support. but is on the todo list. however that is not a small task do add.

Yes preview panel is planed..  I got a lot of things on my list but time is limited.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: MC and Listary integration
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:49:25 »

Never heard of Listary before.. Some kind of Program searcher and launcher ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Assign CTRL+D to go to user's Desktop
« on: March 13, 2013, 06:47:00 »
Commandline commands will expand enviroment variables when run. That why %USERPROFILE% works

There actually is a special commandline command to go to the desktop ":desk"

So you can do

Code: [Select]
MC.CmdLineRun CMD=":desk"
That should work for all languages..

the QuickSearch box is only triggered to be shown with the A-Z keys. So I would have guess that none of the cyrillic letters would have worked to show it.
It is on the todo list and might be fixed in next version. Unless I run into some strange encoding issues.

Support and Feedback / Re: Assign CTRL+D to go to user's Desktop
« on: March 10, 2013, 22:51:57 »
Do not create the command directly on the button. But create a User Defined Command. THEN you can assign that command to different things like HotKeys, Menu , Buttons. and more.

The internal command is shown as a dropdown list when you select a command of type "internal commands"

The the description of the "#{b,104} (${Core.1350}" is
#b,104  referee to the Language file..
Core.1350 is the internal command reference. You can see this command in the Keyboard Customization dialog.. 

But that is not anything you going to need to type.

What you have done is to change that button so it is now calling your custom command, instead of calling the internal Edit command.
You still see F4 on the button because you kept the Button Label (and it reference the internal command).

But if you want to create a own custom command you need to create a User Defined Command first and then assign a key to that command.
If you then what to same command in a button in the button panel you select so that the button is calling the User Defined Command that you created instead of having the entire custom command there.

A more correct way to do that would be do add notepad++ as editor in FileTypeSetup.
Then all edit commands in MC will use this.

Support and Feedback / Re: Drag & Drop unzip operation
« on: March 09, 2013, 12:36:19 »
It is impossible to say why it does that without more information on how on what kind of drag/drop you do
because drag and drop are messy and it all works different depending on where you drag from and drop to.
for example If the drag is started from another program and then dropped inside MC,  Or if drag is both started and dropped in MC. of started from MC and dropped outside of MC.

Thumbnail view work as it does because it is built from the list mode. It is really the list mode with thumbnails instead.
Building a thumbnail view that worked that other way would require so much work that I do not even want to think about it.

But a Thumbnail detail mode are planed. It is build on Detail mode but with thumbnail (Top->Bottom) one thumb per line with size info and other info the the right of the image.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: shortcut-keys for view-mode
« on: March 08, 2013, 22:14:11 »
You can..  there is no default key setup for them, But you can customize it.

It was that before. and a lot of people wanted it the other way around.. but maybe a option for it, or it remember previous usage.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Thumbnails of PDFs
« on: March 08, 2013, 22:08:58 »
For Win7+ the thumbnails are created by Windows. (If thumbnail engine in core settings is set to Windows, and not internal )
And if you got a thumbnail plugin for windows for pdf.. it should show thumbnails for pdf in MC too.

Internal thumbnail creator for PDF would be nice. But will probably not happen for some time... It would require a lot of work.
And there is way to many more important feature that need to be added first.

Like Ctrl+F7  ?

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