« on: November 17, 2022, 13:28:02 »
2022-11-17 07:54:07 = Connection to site: [site].com on port 21
2022-11-17 07:54:07 < 220 ProFTPD Server ready.
2022-11-17 07:54:07 > USER [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 07:54:07 < 331 Password required for [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 07:54:07 > PASS (hidden)
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 230 User [me]@[site].com logged in
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > SYST
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > FEAT
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 211-Features:
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < AUTH TLS
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < CCC
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < CLNT
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < EPRT
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < EPSV
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < HOST
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < LANG ja-JP;zh-CN;bg-BG;en-US;ru-RU;it-IT;es-ES;ko-KR;fr-FR;zh-TW
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < MDTM
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < MFMT
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < PBSZ
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < PROT
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < RANG STREAM
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < REST STREAM
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < SIZE
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < SSCN
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < TVFS
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < UTF8
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 211 End
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > CLNT MultiCommander
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 OK
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > TYPE A
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 Type set to A
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > MODE S
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 Mode set to S
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > STRU F
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 Structure set to F
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 250 CWD command successful
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > PORT 192,168,178,102,111,177
2022-11-17 07:54:08 < 200 PORT command successful
2022-11-17 07:54:08 > LIST
2022-11-17 07:54:23 = Timeout while waiting for command response. (Possible resason is slow connection/firewall settings or server problem)
2022-11-17 07:54:23 Retrying....
2022-11-17 07:54:23 > PORT 192,168,178,102,111,178
2022-11-17 07:54:40 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:42 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:44 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:46 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:48 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:50 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:52 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:53 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:54:53 = Command failed
2022-11-17 07:54:53 > CWD /public_html
2022-11-17 07:54:54 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:56 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:54:58 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:00 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:02 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:04 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:06 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:08 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:10 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:12 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:14 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:16 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:18 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:20 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:22 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed - Connection busy
2022-11-17 07:55:23 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:55:23 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:55:24 > NOOP
2022-11-17 07:55:54 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:55:54 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed
2022-11-17 07:55:56 > NOOP
2022-11-17 07:56:15 < 425 Unable to build data connection: Connection timed out
2022-11-17 07:56:15 AntiIdle command NOOP Failed
2022-11-17 07:56:15 Connection have failed, Closing connection
2022-11-17 07:56:15 > QUIT
2022-11-17 07:56:15 < 200 PORT command successful
2022-11-17 07:57:19 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:19 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:19 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:57:19 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:19 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:19 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:57:19 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:19 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:19 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:57:53 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:53 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:53 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:57:53 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:53 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:53 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 07:57:53 > CWD /
2022-11-17 07:57:53 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 07:57:53 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 08:26:11 = Connection to site: [site].com on port 21
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 220 ProFTPD Server ready.
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > USER [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 331 Password required for [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > PASS (hidden)
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 230 User [me]@[site].com logged in
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > SYST
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > FEAT
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 211-Features:
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < AUTH TLS
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < CCC
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < CLNT
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < EPRT
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < EPSV
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < HOST
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < LANG ja-JP;zh-CN;bg-BG;en-US;ru-RU;it-IT;es-ES;ko-KR;fr-FR;zh-TW
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < MDTM
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < MFMT
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < PBSZ
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < PROT
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < RANG STREAM
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < REST STREAM
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < SIZE
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < SSCN
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < TVFS
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < UTF8
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 211 End
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > CLNT MultiCommander
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 OK
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > TYPE A
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 Type set to A
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > MODE S
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 Mode set to S
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > STRU F
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 Structure set to F
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > CWD /
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 250 CWD command successful
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > PORT 192,168,178,102,49,96
2022-11-17 08:26:12 < 200 PORT command successful
2022-11-17 08:26:12 > LIST
2022-11-17 08:26:27 = Timeout while waiting for command response. (Possible resason is slow connection/firewall settings or server problem)
2022-11-17 08:26:27 Retrying....
2022-11-17 08:26:27 > PORT 192,168,178,102,49,97
2022-11-17 08:26:57 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 08:26:57 = Command failed
2022-11-17 08:26:57 > CWD /public_html
2022-11-17 08:27:27 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 08:27:27 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 08:38:20 = Connection Lost
2022-11-17 10:52:30 > CWD /
2022-11-17 10:52:30 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 10:52:30 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 10:52:30 > CWD /
2022-11-17 10:52:30 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 10:52:30 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 10:52:30 > CWD /
2022-11-17 10:52:30 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 10:52:30 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 10:52:47 = Connection to site: [site].com on port 21
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 220 ProFTPD Server ready.
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > USER [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 331 Password required for [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > PASS (hidden)
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 230 User [me]@[site].com logged in
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > SYST
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > FEAT
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 211-Features:
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < AUTH TLS
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < CCC
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < CLNT
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < EPRT
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < EPSV
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < HOST
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < LANG ja-JP;zh-CN;bg-BG;en-US;ru-RU;it-IT;es-ES;ko-KR;fr-FR;zh-TW
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < MDTM
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < MFMT
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < PBSZ
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < PROT
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < RANG STREAM
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < REST STREAM
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < SIZE
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < SSCN
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < TVFS
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < UTF8
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 211 End
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > CLNT MultiCommander
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 200 OK
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > TYPE A
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 200 Type set to A
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > MODE S
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 200 Mode set to S
2022-11-17 10:52:47 > STRU F
2022-11-17 10:52:47 < 200 Structure set to F
2022-11-17 10:56:57 = Connection to site: [site].com on port 21
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 220 ProFTPD Server ready.
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > USER [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 331 Password required for [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > PASS (hidden)
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 230 User [me]@[site].com logged in
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > SYST
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > FEAT
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 211-Features:
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < AUTH TLS
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < CCC
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < CLNT
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < EPRT
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < EPSV
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < HOST
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < LANG ja-JP;zh-CN;bg-BG;en-US;ru-RU;it-IT;es-ES;ko-KR;fr-FR;zh-TW
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < MDTM
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < MFMT
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < PBSZ
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < PROT
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < RANG STREAM
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < REST STREAM
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < SIZE
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < SSCN
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < TVFS
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < UTF8
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 211 End
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > CLNT MultiCommander
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 OK
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > TYPE A
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 Type set to A
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > MODE S
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 Mode set to S
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > STRU F
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 Structure set to F
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > CWD /
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 250 CWD command successful
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > PORT 192,168,178,102,111,84
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 PORT command successful
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > LIST
2022-11-17 10:57:12 = Timeout while waiting for command response. (Possible resason is slow connection/firewall settings or server problem)
2022-11-17 10:57:12 Retrying....
2022-11-17 10:57:12 > PORT 192,168,178,102,111,85
2022-11-17 10:57:42 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 10:57:42 = Command failed
2022-11-17 10:57:42 > CWD /public_html
2022-11-17 10:58:12 < = ** Timeout no repsonse from server **
2022-11-17 10:58:12 = Unknown return code
2022-11-17 11:06:57 = Connection Lost
2022-11-17 11:09:05 = Connection Lost
2022-11-17 13:23:38 = Connection to site: [site].com on port 21
2022-11-17 13:23:38 < 220 ProFTPD Server ready.
2022-11-17 13:23:38 > USER [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 13:23:38 < 331 Password required for [me]@[site].com
2022-11-17 13:23:38 > PASS (hidden)
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 230 User [me]@[site].com logged in
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > SYST
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 215 UNIX Type: L8
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > FEAT
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 211-Features:
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < AUTH TLS
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < CCC
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < CLNT
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < EPRT
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < EPSV
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < HOST
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < LANG ja-JP;zh-CN;bg-BG;en-US;ru-RU;it-IT;es-ES;ko-KR;fr-FR;zh-TW
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < MDTM
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < MFF modify;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < MFMT
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < MLST modify*;perm*;size*;type*;unique*;UNIX.group*;UNIX.groupname*;UNIX.mode*;UNIX.owner*;UNIX.ownername*;
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < PBSZ
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < PROT
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < RANG STREAM
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < REST STREAM
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < SIZE
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < SSCN
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < TVFS
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < UTF8
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 211 End
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > CLNT MultiCommander
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 200 OK
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > OPTS UTF8 ON
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 200 UTF8 set to on
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > TYPE A
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 200 Type set to A
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > MODE S
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 200 Mode set to S
2022-11-17 13:23:39 > STRU F
2022-11-17 13:23:39 < 200 Structure set to F
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > CWD /
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 250 CWD command successful
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > PORT 192,168,178,102,111,84
2022-11-17 10:56:57 < 200 PORT command successful
2022-11-17 10:56:57 > LIST
2022-11-17 10:57:12 = Timeout while waiting for command response. (Possible resason is slow connection/firewall settings or server problem)
2022-11-17 10:57:12 Retrying....