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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 129 130 131 132 [133] 134 135 136 137 ... 172
MC 3.1.1 Beta (Build 1412)
Date and Attributes rule support have been enhanced.

Date now support ranges like Is Today , Is ThisWeek , LessThan 2d old, LessThan 1h hour, MoreThan 2w old
(LessThan 2d old and LessThan 48h old is NOT the same.
day matches do whole days starting with today. so LessThan 1d old is the same as current day only. )

Attributes can not be match using HasNot and also more attributes are supported.

The first post is updated with information on how to use the new date and attribute rules.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC frozen while opening file
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:12:21 »

When you dbl click to open something, it is sent to windows to open it (Using ShellExecute). and then MC continue.
MC does not wait for the program to load.

Unless some other software hooked it self into the ShellExeute process in window and makes it lock. AntiVirus maybe ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Compare Folders (Synchronize)
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:22:18 »
It depends on what you mean with synchronization. (It means different thing for many users )
However, MC only support selecting what files/folders are different in source and target view and some other ways. like what files are missing or duplicate and some other.

Full synchronization with subfolder and file content checking is not supported.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Viewer and tablet
« on: May 20, 2013, 18:39:26 »
a) That will not work as MC is designed. But something similar is planed for the preview panel.

b) MC can only access remote device that get connected as storage devices. (Get connected as a mounted device and gets a device letter)

For devices that does not support that, you can run an app in android that let the device be a SMB network device. You can then you can access the android device as a normal shared folder over the network.

Support and Feedback / Re: NTFS folder compression
« on: May 20, 2013, 18:31:55 »
It is not supported by default.

I can be added using rule based file coloring. (Need the latest beta (1412) to trigger on compressed attribute)
But the rule based file coloring is still experimental and can only be configured using script.

Support and Feedback / Re: Silent installation
« on: May 20, 2013, 18:30:22 »
Sorry, Silent installation is not supported.

You can script it yourself by packing the install folder or using the portable version.
MC does support what is called xcopy deployment. (Just copy the file and start.. )

Support and Feedback / Re: Drag/drop copy empty folder fails
« on: May 14, 2013, 07:05:42 »
Strange that used to work. I will see if that can be fixed..
But who needs empty folders anyway :)

Support and Feedback / Re: Regular expressions syntax
« on: May 14, 2013, 07:01:50 »
You can not use RegExp to search in binaries. RegExp only works for text

Regular expression are a pain and I have not had the time to learn it. So I don't know all the rules for regular expression.
I have not built the regular expression engine in MC my self.
Search is using a RE engine that is provided by MS. Other places in MC is using one that is provided by the programming language, Search will move over and use that in the future.

Support and Feedback / Re: "Portable Device" on USB not seen
« on: May 13, 2013, 22:15:22 »
MC only see devices that get attached as a normal filesystem and get assigned a device letter.

Commander Styled setup

Explorer Styled setup

Or Menu > Configuration > Keyboard Customization
and then press the "Export to file" button


Support and Feedback / Re: Templates backup work around?
« on: May 08, 2013, 17:39:49 »
Ahh okey If you do that you have to be careful.

When unpacking the portable over an existing do not replace the files inside the config folder.. EXCEPT for the two files. .*_def.xml,  they should be replaced.

Support and Feedback / Re: Templates backup work around?
« on: May 07, 2013, 22:23:24 »
UserDefinedCommands.xml is backuped. ( you can also backup the file manually, copy it somewhere and copy it back afterwards.)

But when upgrading. The UserDefinedCommands.xml is not overwritten, it should be kept. none of the user settings files is not changed when updating using the built in update tool.

To create a backup of settings manually
go to Menu > Help > Go to > Config Folder

And copy/pack everything there to a safe location

Support and Feedback / Re: Ctrl + Click behavior
« on: May 06, 2013, 09:53:32 »
Ahh no, Commander style mode does not do that. it is by design.

Commander style mode does not set item to selected when clicked on

Support and Feedback / Re: Ctrl + Click behavior
« on: May 06, 2013, 06:42:11 »
Ctrl+Click will also toggle in commander styled setup.
But Commander style setup also toggle selection using right mouse button then no ctrl key is needed at all. :)

(There is no need to reinstall to switch mode..Quick Look'n'Feel setup in Configuration menu will do the settings changes to switch between modes.)

Support and Feedback / Re: 4 pane view?
« on: May 05, 2013, 22:34:16 »
No it is not possible.

Support and Feedback / Re: Ctrl + Click behavior
« on: May 05, 2013, 22:33:27 »
By default ctrl+Click will toggle selection as you describe. Maybe you changed some settings ?
And also there are some minor differences depending on if you are using Commander styled setup or Windows Explorer styled setup.

Maybe rename using Multi-Rename with the [?MCAudioProp.track] tag.. ?

Or add the "Audio (ID3) - Track" column and sort by that.

Doing a refresh (F5/F2 depending on settings or press Refresh button) and it should correct it self.
I add it the issue list.

Support and Feedback / Re: Selection Color
« on: May 02, 2013, 14:32:30 »
No. All colors can technically be changed. But I had to set a limit of what can be configured or the color settings page would be very very very long.

And the Rule based colors do not work on view state.. like if item is in focus, selected, in active pane or not. They only work on file properties (name, size, date, and so on.. ).

Support and Feedback / Re: MultiScript - GetTime Broken
« on: May 02, 2013, 13:57:28 »
(Split topic to a new since it was off-topic)

Btw  "GetTime(1);" will return UTC time..
As you can see on the pic, both GetTime() and GetTime(1) return the same value

Ahh Looks like I have broken it..  Damn.. I will fix that. :)

How about a way to set color if a date is less or more then x days.
Then you can show files that are from today in a different color
It is possible.

Code: [Select]
// First we need to remove all existing rules. DO NOT FORGET TO DO THIS.

// variable to store Rule in
@var $rule = 0;

// Add Rule - If date is within 10 days from now
@var $now = GetTime();
@var $then = $now - 60*60*24*10;
@var $now_str = FormatDate( "yyyy-MM-dd " , $now ) + FormatTime("HH:mm:ss", $now);
@var $then_str = FormatDate( "yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00" , $then );

$rule = FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "Before", $now_str );
$rule = FileColoringAddRule($rule, "Date" , "After", $then_str );
FileColoringSetColor( $rule , "#444433" , "#00FF00" );

// Revalidate all file coloring.

But there are 2 moments.
1. GetTime() always returns uncorrected time. E.g. if i have GMT+04, at 15:00 GetTime() will return 11:00
2. Last modified datetime is used when checking files.

Well Yes, you can do it with script. But configuring using script is only a workaround for now UNTIL the UI has been added.
(Will probably keep the ability to configure using script. Because it make it more powerful and you can switch to new color setups fast.
But it should not be require to do scripting to configure the rules in the future. )

Btw  "GetTime(1);" will return UTC time..  and there is also "TimeLocal2UTC(..)" that convert Local > UTC time. and TimeUTC2Local that convert the other way

But someway to set a rule for Today, or if a file is 2 days old or older then 5 weeks might be useful.

Maybe something like.

FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "Is", "today"); // from today.
FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "Is", "thisweek"); // if file is from current week
FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "LessThan", "5d"); // Less than 5 days old
FileColoringAddRule(0, "Date" , "MoreThan", "5w"); // more than 5 weeks old

Support and Feedback / Re: Execute items programmatically
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:04:58 »
2. I've created user command MC.CmdLineRun CMD=${focusfilepath} and assigned it to a button. But when i click this button file is not launched, it is just focused instead as if i typed "myfile.ini" (with quotes) in the command line
That is since a full path entered into the commandline field will make it go to that path.. But if you enter a ! before the path it will force to run it.. so
MC.CmdLineRun CMD=!${focusfilepath}

But using CmdLineRun for it is like a workaround, adding new custom command will make it work better and be able to control it better with STARTIN path and more.
hmm when thinking about it a new command might be unless. Better to add an option to MC.Run so it should just the FileTypeSetup

Here is how the MultiScript language works.

Support and Feedback / Re: Execute items programmatically
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:25:47 »
You can use

"MC.CmdLineRun CMD=<command to run>"

It will run command like if they was run from the command line field. And it will use the FileTypeSetup for Run/Open.

But I think I will add a MC.Open (or something) that gives a bit more control (with working folders and parameters. )

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