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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Move buttons by dragging
« on: February 13, 2012, 19:12:05 »
Moving the buttons in the button panel by drag/dropping them.  That would be nice to have.

But..... it would require a lot of work to implement that. And you can already rearrange the buttons using the button editor.
So the priority for included this will not be very high. Not while there are more important features to add.

I think it is because they are not real folders. They are virtual folder and IIS have someway to expose them to the windows explorer.

I have not been to see this my self in Windows Explorer in Win7. Maybe a extension for iis is needed ? and the windows shell is required.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Tools/Text Conversion/UTF-8
« on: January 24, 2012, 13:48:30 »
I will add it to the list of features to add.

Of course, I have absolutely no idea how the MC code is designed and written; nor do I know anything about your development philosophy.  But would it be possible to use an already developed hex editor for displaying REG_BINARY data?  Something like the Hex Editor OCX control available here, thus saving you a whole lot of time and effort?

Just a friendly suggestion.

P.S. The project I work on uses a portion of the code of that OCX editor (or maybe a similar one, I can't remember) to  imbed in one of our internal development/debug tools.  It works great.


But I can not use it as it is, since I can not have an dependency to a ocx since it require installation and registration. MC support so called xcopy deployment so ocx is not good. And Since the registry extension is a Win32/WTL component I can not include MFC in it. I will need to create a WTL based controller.

But the source for it will be useful when I write a WTL version of it. Will make it easier. Thanks

(1) Pre-select the value data when the Edit Registry Value dialog is displayed.  While using Microsoft's "regedit" program, when you want to change a value of an item from, for example, 0 to 1, you can use the numeric key pad and press keys Enter 1 Enter.  Very quick and easy because when the edit dialog comes up, the value data is pre-selected.  When the MC edit dialog is displayed, the cursor is at the end of the data value causing the user to have to back-space, Ctrl+A, or Ctrl+Shift+Home to select all the data; the key sequence becomes Enter Ctrl+A 1 Enter.  Now if some users like it the way it is now, then how about adding the "regedit way" to a check box on one of the settings screens.
Yes having the text preselected when the edit dialog is shown might be a good think. Will look into that.

(2) Display REG_BINARY data showing ASCII (ANSI?) characters in the Edit Registry Value dialog.  Again, this functionality should be similar to Microsoft's "regedit" program.  The regedit Value data box looks something like this:
0000  01 07 00 23 27 00 00 23  ...#'..#
0008  27 00 00 07 00 00 00 05  '......
0010  3C 00 41 00 44 00 55 00  <.A.D.U.
0018  3E 00 13 27 00 00 FF 00  >..'....
0020  00 00 0B 3C 00 4F 00 76  ...<.O.v
0028  00 65 00 72 00 73 00 70  .e.r.s.p
0030  00 65 00 65 00 64 00 3E  .e.e.d.>

Notice that one can easily pick out the Unicode strings.
A better editor for binary values would be very nice to have and I have a point on my todo list to make the editing of binary better. But doing an editor like the one in regedit for binary values would require a lot of work and take a lot of time to develop. And I got a lot off items on my todo list. Since the most common values that people change in the registry are Strings and Numbers (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD) a better binary editor is not prioritized, since it is very rarely that user changes them.
However it is on my list.. So sometime in the future it might be fixed.

Beta Releases / Re: 2.0.0 beta bugs
« on: January 02, 2012, 21:11:10 »
I will send you a email. starting to spam the forum to much..

Beta Releases / Re: 2.0.0 beta bugs
« on: January 02, 2012, 18:37:46 »
1. Tooltip ? that are shown when hovering ??  There is not nay tooltip for the MultiRename.

2. File operations plugins needs a lot of internal work so a lot of the stuff for that is not touched until the rewrite has happen..

3. Strange.. Will check

4. Don't understand how does can be shown empty for you..  there are hardcoded characters for 'X' , ^ and V ,  (Del, up and down)

5. Might not be possible to change.. will check

6. Not able to recreate that. Looks like a cache problem. try force a refresh (F2 / F5 depending on keyboard setup)
(Ctrl+L to view log windows, and second tab the File Operation log, You will see that date/time is set actually set, However the time might be UTC and not local if the filesystem is ntfs)

Support and Feedback / Re: How to use unpacking filter correctly?
« on: January 02, 2012, 17:01:05 »
extension is need for filters to work if using wildcard.

But you can try to use exclude filter like example "-*.txt" to unpack everything except *.txt files.
so if you can match everything expect the extension less files you can exclude them and then only the extension less files will be unpacked.

Beta Releases / Re: 2.0.0 beta bugs
« on: January 02, 2012, 13:20:26 »
Translation issues
1. File Types manager: as i see - buttons [Add], [Remove], [Reset] have no translation strings

The button is using the MultiLanguage text strings..

Add = g - 21
Remove =  g - 36
Reset = g - 17

(Build 966)

Beta Releases / Re: 2.0.0 beta bugs
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:11:22 »
File type manager.
1. It saves profiles, but not permanently (until restart) as it seems. And it is possible to have multiple profiles with the same names.
2. If you select internal program as source, press OK, then select External program, intrernal module name will appear in the edit box (see pic1)
3. Is file age shown correctly. Some minutes ago (18:11) i've created a file. Now is 18:25 and MC shows file age as 6 Hours (see pic 2)

1. Not able to reproduce it. Are you running normal or portable mode ? (transfer to usb)
2. I check if I can fix that..
3. That worked before.  Will investigate what can have changed.

Translation issues
1. File Types manager: as i see - buttons [Add], [Remove], [Reset] have no translation strings
2. Core Settings: Tab Mouse Configuration node with sub-nodes have no translation strings
3. Rotate pictures dialog has no translation string for Options group caption
4. Convert pictures dialog has no translation string for JPEG Quality text

1/2/3/4 Will be fixed

1. Adjust EXIF Date: what's the purpose of Previewing %d of %d files? As i see, it always shows n of n flles in the list.
2. What is Smart rename (Tools->Reanme->Similar name, different extension)? How to use it the right way?
3. There is translation file for the PictureViewer, but where is Picture Viewer itself?

1. Try selecting more then 100 pictures.  The previewing is only showing a preview of the first 100 files. so if 200 are selected it will say Previewing 100 of 200 files
2. If you got MyFile.h, MyFile.Cpp, MyFile.inl MyFile.txt and rename any of them to "NewFile" then all the files matching "MyFile.*" will get the new filename
 and you will have NewFile.h NewFile.cpp NewFile.inl NewFile.txt  (Special case rename feature that most people will not use)
3. Press Menu->View file or (F3?) on a .jpg file.  (Unless you change the default viewer for *.jpg in the FileType Setup )

Beta Releases / Re: 2.0.0 beta bugs
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:01:12 »
I. Multi-Rename tool

1. Hints aren't displayed.
2. Live preview works even if unchecked.
3. "Error! - Name Conflict" string exists in resource file but displayed in english.
4. When you go from "Previous Rename Sessions" to "Renamed Files" list, the selection in "Previous Rename Sessions" is lost, so it is impossible to detect which session is selected.

1. Hints ??
2. I will have a look at this
3. Will fix
4. Will check if it is possible.

II. File viewer

1. It seems that Auto Reload doesn't work. If you modify the file being viewed, it is not updated in viewer. Only when you select "Reload" and then click, the content is updated.
2. There are no translation strings for Selection popup menu (Highlight - Add, Highligth - Clear, ... etc)

1. Yes auto reload has a bug. You just need to force the first refresh you self.
2. Yes. They are at the moment not translatable. because of some code design issues.. Will be fixed in the future.. someday. But it is not a normal quick fix like other language issues so might be a while.

UPD1: Module rules in Multi-Rename don't work. E.g. [N][?core.size] rule neither updates preview nor actually renames the file.
Strange. That worked before, I Will investigate it, I most have broken something.

UPD2: Plug-in profile manager.
1. There is no translation string for the caption of this dialog
2. If you create new profile with the existing name (e.g. "Test"), no rename suggested. Instead a new profile is created, so there are 2 "Test" profiles. And when you save it, previous profile settings are overwritten. So when you open the manager again, there is only one "Test" profile with last settings and the first one is lost.
1. ??  Title in the Save plugin dialog ??
2.  Will check

UPD3. File Types manger
1. [Reset] action causes MC crash.
2. It is impossible (i can't find out how) to save new profile
  a. [Save] does nothing
  b. [Add] suggests to save currently editing profile but doesn't save. You can press it endlessly without success.
3. Some (all?) original english translation files are ANSI although they have encoding="UTF-8" xml parameter, so e.g. in Picture rotating dialog Unicode degree symbol "°" looks like two symbols "Вє"
1. Not able to crash it. But will check the code what can cause it to happen.
2. (a/b) Im able to save without any problem.
3. the "°" sign is stored as the correct UTF8 character in the language file. So it should be converted correct. Looks good here and in other languages I have here..

Support and Feedback / Re: How to use unpacking filter correctly?
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:43:37 »
At the moment MultiCommander is only using the file extension to identify what archive format a file is.
(There are plans for auto detecting by trying to detect it by opening the file in the future)

If the file does not have any file extension you need to rename the file first to a name with a valid file extension.
if the file has a different file extension like .XZY but really is a zip archive. Then in the Extension Manager select the FSZip Plugin and in option add "XZY" is a file extension for that plugin.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander and Rainbow Folders
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:37:16 »
Multi Commander is not reading the desktop.ini file. And right now there is not plan to change that.
However a similar feature like rainbow folders is in the table to be included into Multi Commander in the future.

Support and Feedback / Re: copy past and file/folder permisions
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:37:57 »
Permissions are not copied. But it is high up on the list of features to add.

This is a common problem with zip.

The problem is that Zip is an old format and in its base format it only support characters in codepage 437.
And this code page does not have any localized characters.

Some program forces localized name into zip. But that creates a bounce of other problem. Like the zip archive can fail to unpack if you try to unpack it on a system with a different language that it was packet on.

Zip has extended its support to include UTF8. But very few program support that.

MultiCommander is following the standard an assumes that the characters are in CodePage 437.
But maybe there should be a way to override.

And/Or  Send me a archive (zip ?? ) with localized file names.

Bird ?. I did not think that birds had languages

What archive format are you using ?

A screeenshot might help

Support and Feedback / Re: Sort by attribute not working?
« on: December 16, 2011, 17:49:01 »
There is a bug with attribute sorting in current version. But it is fixed so the next version will sort by attribute better

In what situation is it slow ? Normally it should be faster then Windows.

Copying HD to USB Memory Stick has an issue that in default mode it can be a bit slow. But tweaking the read/write stratergy will change that.

Support and Feedback / Re: Tree View Font Size
« on: December 11, 2011, 16:22:42 »
It should use the same font and size that are set for the list view, but it looks like it has been broken.

I will put it on the list of things to fix.

Support and Feedback / Re: I like the registry functionality!!
« on: December 10, 2011, 15:34:16 »

If you find that you wish you could do something with the registry. Let me know and I might be able to add that feature.

That is very strange.

All tests I do here, it works.  Don't really know why it does not work for you. It should.

NTFS vs FAT only matters when comparing using time. There might be some daylight saving or timezone stuff effecting the FAT32 time.
because some files look to have an diff of exact 1h.. (but not sure since seconds is not shown)

If it is the same MultiCommander.exe that is started it should stack them unless you change some option in Windows 7 telling it not to.

The default behavior in Windows 7  is to stack them. It is possible for window to opt out if that. And the only window that does that are the Copy progress windows and FileViewer window.

but the Main window should always be stack.
Unless Windows settings preventing it or if the two instances are not the same .exe from the same path.

Support and Feedback / Re: User commands, hotkeys
« on: December 05, 2011, 19:19:45 »
Thanks ..

I will take a look at it.

Support and Feedback / Re: Keyboard File Select
« on: December 04, 2011, 15:22:23 »
You can configure how keys typed in the explorer windows should be handled.

Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > (tab) Layout > Keyboard Handling

You can tweak that in different way.
For example if you enable Quick Search, And set Search Keys to "letters only" and disable the search field.
You can start to type something and the focus item will move to the matching item.

If using the search filed. you can also move up/down to next matching file using arrow keys.

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