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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: August 09, 2022, 23:47:48 »
Could you please improve displaying Multi Commander window on first run?
On my monitor (2k, 2560x1440) main window is NOT centered.

Have you try to improve displaying Multi Commander main window?
I would like to remind you, that the window is still not centered. Window is not proportional.
Take a look how it looks on 2K resolution after installation (on first run). See attachement image.
As you can see - MC window is not centered.

Left edge distance (163px) is different then Right Edge distance (491px). Top edge distance (156px) is different then Bottom Edge distance (212px)
How about making it proportional for each resolution?


Well This is only on first startup. MC is actually not trying to center it nor place it, Size and placement is actually handle by Windows it self, all calculations are handled by windows so the initial windows will fit on screen.
But after first run. The window pos use is stored and used for next run.

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * RC *
« on: August 06, 2022, 10:38:51 »
Ref 12.0 b2901 x64 (Win10)

Had couple of incidents today after updating to this build
1 - right clicked on a file, dialog opened & MC locked completely, rest of system continued normally - killed via TM
2 - inserting a USB stick I have been using this week w/out issue, locked MC up for several minutes, killed/restarted MC & removed/reinserted the stick got round it.  Stick checked out Ok on Win10 diagnostics/repair.

Unusual behaviour for MC so thought I'd mention it.

1. What dialog opens ? Shell Context Menu ?
2. Look in the look Ctrl+L if there are any info, also security software can blocks calls from MC to resources it protects.

But if it locks up you can create a dump from taskmanger.  and then send that to me at
make sure you zip / 7z it first. Then I can tell you what it is waiting for.. often it is some external issue, like Network or somethings

Script / Re: syntax for MC.Explorer.Goto ?
« on: August 04, 2022, 12:15:04 »
Thanks Matthias.
But this is not ftp script, its just

Code: [Select]
MC.Explorer.Goto PATH=FTP:\

So i don't send any path myself, mc makes those CWD itself, and they are incorrect, they should start at /home/username/domains/

That is the default remote path then. It is configured in the bookmark for the ftp site

Script / Re: syntax for MC.Explorer.Goto ?
« on: August 03, 2022, 23:42:14 »
2022-08-03 21:27:47 > CWD /domains/
2022-08-03 21:27:47 < 550 /domains/ No such file or directory
2022-08-03 21:27:47 = Server request denied
2022-08-03 21:27:47 > CWD /domains/
2022-08-03 21:27:47 < 550 /domains/ No such file or directory
2022-08-03 21:27:47 = Server request denied

You are trying to change folder to "/domains/" and the server reply that there is no such file or folder
and than the same with "/domains/"

Beware that some FTP server is case sensitive.

lines with > is Commands MC is sending to the server.
lines with < is the response from the server

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't get MC.Filesystem.Delete to work
« on: August 03, 2022, 12:44:54 »
Thanks for the reply Mathias.
FILTER to MC.Explorer.Delete = more complex - I see, just wondered ;)

CMD Reading different dirs:
I repeated this test multiple times because its results are so odd.
Opposite pane was different drive not just different dir...
Whilst wondering why I tried clicking on different areas of the pane before calling the cmd, eg <-... at top; lower empty space; different files/filetypes.
Each time as you can see from the item count it looked at other dirs both above & below. 
Maybe I'll try with more dirs & see where it jumps...

Anyway if you can force a scope lockdown that would solve it, even if it does not explain it :)

Don't really understand..  the folder is also included in the item count..  if you stand on test2 and run cmd..  test2, test2\file1.txt, test2\file2.txt  would be included. so 3. but then some of them would be filtered away

If the command is a normal "Custom command" type.. then you can not click while script is running. since it blocks the UI while running.

I find no issue except that you can run the command on ".."

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't get MC.Filesystem.Delete to work
« on: August 02, 2022, 10:55:03 »
A dialog could be helpful but only if the reason why the command includes other folders in such a surprising way gets caught.  Would adding FILTER to MC.Explorer.Delete be easier?

Adding support for Filter for for normal delete is planned but that is way more complex because that operation in done in a different way that support so much more

Somethings that I dont get..  is that if C:\Text1\test2 is current item in focus.. and you use USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM.  How you get D:\test1\test2\..  because ".." is only available if you are located INSIDE test2, When set test2 as item in focus then you are standing in Test1 folder. The only reason I can see this happening is that panel that are in focus is the other panel.. and you are showing the content of test2 and the focus item in that panel is the ".." item.

However ".." should not be possible to select.. I will block that.. if focus is on ".." it should not continue. else it will scan up the tree..

Zip-dialog profile setting ist fixed now. Thx.

Translation for "Password required" and "This archive require a password to be opened. Please enter password." is available but not used for that dialog.

The strings are new and should be used:
    <item iid="2165" text="Passwort erforderlich"/>
    <item iid="2166" text="Dieses Archiv kann nur mit einem Passwort geöffnet werden. Bitte geben Sie jetzt das Passwort ein."/>

But instead these are really used:
    <item iid="2160" text="Passworteingabe notwendig"/>
    <item iid="2161" text="Die Datei oder das Archiv ist passwortgeschützt."/>

Is this a bug?
UPDATE: Think it depends which archiv format is used. For .7z I have the behavior described above.
For .RAR I got the new strings, but need more space. See pic MC Archiv extracting PW 2.png

BTW, need some addition strings for that process for "canceld by user" and "wrong PW entered" dialog. Than all is finished for handling zip ;)

Problem is that most of the support for zip/7z/rar is from external code. And tying it up with MC to use MC language text are a bit complex. many times that code does not have access to the language system.
and most of them do not say if they password is wrong.. they you return reporting that it fail to unpack. with generic error code. that can be many things.
and modifying external code is something I try to avoid because that will make it harder to keep that code up to date.

But will check what can be changed

Hmm Might be to dangerous function to allow delete so easy. Maybe should require a confirmation box. ?  maybe a "Do you really want to delete : <folder> ?" box ?, but the idea with script it to not have them..

@Mathias, just a thought...

You could offer the dialog by default with a "Do you really want to delete : <folder> ?" but include an optional NODIALOG parameter (similar to the Multiscript function CopyFile).
Yes i was thinking that. problem is that MC.Explorer.Delete is really the one to use if you want a dialog. Problem is that it does not support filter.
MC.FileSystem.Delete goes directly to the filesystem layer, and should not show a UI..  But might break that principle with this, fell that it is to dangerous to not show a warning by default.

Well thanks for the fun Mathias!  ;)
You got me twice,
1. because I was using the earlier release without the updated function
2. it killed <20 files it found in the directory above the focused one.

No problem as I was able to recover them.  Only lost a zip with all my crypto-currency addresses, but what's $1.6m between friends....   ;D  :P
 ...A few more tests will be needed I think!

1. first version was missing some logging that was not included in the release. I also improved how it handled filters and if the path is pointing to file instead and folder..

2. USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM take the item that are in focus from the panel that are in focus (source panel). but it is important that the correct panel is active.. so it picks correct.
it should not pick a folder above.. it picks the one that is on focus. that the line marker is on..

Hmm Might be to dangerous function to allow delete so easy. Maybe should require a confirmation box. ?  maybe a "Do you really want to delete : <folder> ?" box ?, but the idea with script it to not have them..

Thanks for trying to make this function work Mathias.
I have just attempted to use this command.
I get Failed to volume item whenever I use it.
I've tried :-
Code: [Select]
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM FILTER="*.zip; *.rar"
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM "*.zip; *.rar"
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM="*.zip; *.rar"

It does appear to try to action the command, but even with files selected doesn't like something & always gives that error.  ???

I have this

E:\Test\Test and in that folder I have


I'm showing the content of E:\test and focus in on 'test' folder ( E:\test\test )

I run the command
and it deleted all files in text except the *.png file.

Thanks for trying to make this function work Mathias.
I have just attempted to use this command.
I get Failed to volume item whenever I use it.
I've tried :-
Code: [Select]
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM FILTER="*.zip; *.rar"
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM "*.zip; *.rar"
MC.Filesystem.Delete USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM="*.zip; *.rar"

It does appear to try to action the command, but even with files selected doesn't like something & always gives that error.  ???

It is the first alternative. filter must be set to the "FILTER" option and the item in focus must be a folder.
Where is the files located ? normal harddrive ?  or a virtual path ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Ftp stopped working :(
« on: July 29, 2022, 15:02:25 »
From what you are describing.. Something is blocking it..
Can be some other security software, can be lots of things.
Hard to tell with that limited information..

Support and Feedback / Re: Ftp stopped working :(
« on: July 29, 2022, 14:45:14 »
I have not seen any issues with FTP lately.
Often it is Firewall related.

I took a quick look and it was almost working. But I changed it a bit

So in next beta release this should work.

However if you do not specify a PATH you must specify a USE_CURRENT_SOURCEITEM parameter instead, this will take current source item that are in focus and use as PATH.
It was prone to accidental delete of files without specifying that you really want to do that.
Delete to recycle bin are not yet support and will have to wait. So it is still a bit risky to use since you get no UI or confirmation with the MC.FileSystem. methods. They go directly to the filesystem layer.
MC.Explorer.Delete access Delete via the UI layer. and you can see UI.

Application Log and FileOperation Log will output error and what is deleted.

MC.Filesystem.Delete is disabled. It had some issue.
Also the Filter option was removed.. The Normal Delete dialog had a filter box. but there are so many situation where it did not works well. so it was removed.. Might be why MC.Filesystem.Delete was disabled.
It was long time ago.. lots have happen since then. I will put it on my list and see if it is possible to add it again

1. Not able to recreate that, Might be multiple configuration you done that work against each other or something.

2.Hover preview should work. If you got issue with hover preview use the Beta section and post a report there what is happening and what you do and in what situation it does not work

1. > It was due to a WindowBlinds skin I was using, I switched to another skin & now it's fixed, I can view the last-row filename —it isn't clipped anymore.

2. > Hover Preview is working again —I went into Preview Customization & had to move Default to the bottom of the list so Pictures was the first —works properly now ! I must've tampered with the settings by mistake.

Strange.. Order should not matter for profile that are checked as default.

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 25, 2022, 15:11:22 »

Backup / Restore doesn't work, after pressing this option in menu nothing happens.

I will check that

1. Not able to recreate that, Might be multiple configuration you done that work against each other or something.

2.Hover preview should work. If you got issue with hover preview use the Beta section and post a report there what is happening and what you do and in what situation it does not work

You got autocomplete when you type in the command line field. Or just navigate using arrow key and return.. often much faster then the going via the tree

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 17, 2022, 10:26:28 »
Counter is sometimes - not always! - wrong ;)
Moved 4 files...

Also sometimes a problem with encrypted rar archives. Could this be a behaviour of an older unrar.dll?
After enter the password - the password dialog is back again or got an empty window.
Open with Winrar all is fine.
I know.. it adds one extra when it finish up.

rar problem. Not able to recreate any problems with that.  external unrar.dll not used.. but using same code.  might be issues with the code or not.. I don't know, since I can't reproduce it.

Support and Feedback / Re: Unhandled ERROR ....
« on: July 16, 2022, 12:40:42 »
It can be anything from HW error outside MC control to something else..
Look in FileOperation Log (Ctrl+L), There should be more information with external error code too if it is a error from Windows.

Not sure. You have a locked that that allows for new tabs when browsing to subfolder ?

In what situation are new tabs coming ?  Are they poping up when the tabs is refreshed. when you navigate to somethings ?

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 12, 2022, 07:43:23 »
Multi Rename by using the Date mdified use  maybe the GMT..This mean it use the absolute Date and sould use the relative date for my time zone..
Not GMT but UTC,  All file times are UTC from the Filesystem.  So some UTC to Local conversion that are missing. I will look into that..

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 12, 2022, 07:41:52 »
Hi, there is some issue with refresh of folders view on MC start in newest beta 2888.

When I start MC there are no folder icons, see picture 1. After for example refresh or go in and out to any folder, folder icons are refreshed picture 2.

There is still some bug with showing correct keyboard shortcut for rename F2 and make folder F7 command - picture 3. Anyway shortcuts are working OK, only visualisation is wrong.

Yes the icon things is a race condtion that can happen if things are fast and there are multiple icons requests at the same time.. I got it on my list of bugs for this release

Button Panel. Yes it is a refresh issue I think. If you have modifiers for button panel active so they change when pressing ctrl / alt then they are after that redrawn correct. 

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