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Topics - Mathias (Author)

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Beta Releases / PDF Documentation - Test Version
« on: February 10, 2015, 15:24:00 »
Here is a alpha/test version of the PDF documentation. It is autogenerated from the online version.
Since it is autogenerated from the online version there still is some formatting/styling and other issues.  (6.5 MB)

Please report any issues / suggestions / tips you have with it.

SDK / Multi Commmander SDK v1.51
« on: February 05, 2015, 18:21:16 »
With the SDK you can create Extensions/Plugins for Multi Commander.
(This SDK require atleast MultiCommander build 1888 (v5.0) )

There are samples included for Tools Extension, Extending MultiScript, FileSystem Plugin (Stream mode) and FileSystem plugin (Internal mode)

However there is no documentation, (Sorry It takes to much time to write and I do not have that time right now)
but the SDK header files and Samples are well commented. If you have any questions then post them here in the forum or send a mail to me directly for you prefer that, I and will try to answer them.

You will need to have knowledge of C++ to use the SDK. The included samples needs at least Visual Studio 2012 with Update 1.
(Visual Studio 2013 Community edition)

SDK Download
Download SDK ( v1.51 ) ( 150KB )

If you have any Question, Suggestion , Tips, Bugs for the SDK leave a new post here in the SDK part of the forum.

SDK / MultiCommander Windows Message API
« on: February 05, 2015, 17:52:40 »
The documentation for Windows Message API for MultiCommander is now online.

A sample and Helper Class for C++ are available for download at the doc page.

If you have any problems or requests for supporting more actions. Drop me a mail or post in the forum

Translations And Language Packs / Language Changes 4.6 > 5.0
« on: January 25, 2015, 13:23:55 »
v5.0 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of the new language texts IDs for v5.0

Many new text items in this release.

Most of them are for all the options in the dialogs for SortLines / FindAndReplace ( Menu > Tools > TextTools )

Application - Multi Commander - ( MultiCommander_lang_en.xml )

Custom Commands
Code: [Select]
U - 160
U - 161
U - 162
U - 165
U - 166

Error Messages
Code: [Select]
E - 28
Code: [Select]
S - 3293

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
S - 555
S - 601
S - 602

Popup Menu
Code: [Select]
P - 120
Application - PictureTools - Properties ( MCPictureProp_lang_en.xml )
Code: [Select]
P - 115
P - 116
P - 117
P - 118
P - 119
P - 120

P - 140

Application - MCUtils ( MCUtils_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
-- MCUtils.SortLines - Descriptions for the Options
C - 60
C - 61
C - 62
C - 63
C - 64
C - 65
C - 66
C - 67
C - 68
C - 69
C - 70
C - 71
C - 72
C - 73
C - 74
C - 75
C - 76
C - 77
C - 78
C - 79
C - 80
C - 81
C - 82

-- MCUtils.FindAndReplace - Descriptions for the Options
C - 90
C - 91
C - 92
C - 93
C - 94
C - 95
C - 96

Code: [Select]
-- SortLines in File and FindAndReplace in File Dialogs
D - 400
D - 401
D - 402
D - 411
D - 412
D - 413
D - 414
D - 415
D - 416
D - 417
D - 418
D - 420
D - 421
D - 422
D - 423
D - 424

D - 426
D - 427
D - 428
D - 429
D - 430

D - 431
D - 432
D - 433
D - 435
D - 436
D - 440
D - 442
D - 443

D - 447
D - 448
D - 449
D - 450
D - 451
D - 452
D - 454
D - 460

D - 500
D - 501
D - 502
D - 504
D - 505
D - 508
D - 511
D - 512
D - 513
D - 514
D - 520
D - 521
D - 522
D - 523
D - 524
D - 525

D - 550
D - 551
D - 552
D - 553
D - 555
D - 556
D - 557
D - 560

D - 570
D - 571

D - 573
D - 576
D - 577
D - 578
D - 579
D - 580
D - 581

Code: [Select]
M - 2002
M - 2003

M - 2201 - Text Changed
M - 2202 - Text Changed
M - 2203 - Text Changed
M - 2204 - Text Changed

M - 2220
M - 2221

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 4.9 Beta
« on: January 15, 2015, 19:20:10 »
Not so much changes that I had planed. But I have been very busy and have not had so much time to spend that I thought.
But I think it is enough changes so that a new version should be released.

Change Log since 4.6.2

200+ Changes

-- Build 1885 (2015-01-25) - Release Candidate
  ADDED - FindAndReplace now support wildcard matching.
  FIXED - Sorting options "End At Character" now works.
  FIXED - Issue with LineSorting and CR/LF
  FIXED - FindReplace confirm dialog buttons now works again
 -- Build 1881 (2015-01-23)
  ADDED - Language Editor now remember selected language
  ADDED - Language Editor can now filter list and only show text items that are NOT translated
  FIXED - Find And Replaces logging and error handling is now improved
  FIXED - Can now display the overlay text on thumbnails when using the Internal Thumbnail Engine (WinXP)
  FIXED - Sortlines / FindAndReplace - Fixed some language text issues
  FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system.
-- Build 1874 (2015-01-15)
  ADDED - New Text Tool - SortLines
  ADDED - New Text Tool - FindAndReplace
  ADDED - Picture Viewer can now show an overlay with photo info like FNum,Exposure,ISO (Press P in viewer)
  ADDED - Better error message when user tries to copy a placeholder file
  ADDED - Custom Command "MC.Utils.SortLines"
  ADDED - Custom Command "MC.Utils.FindAndReplace"
  ADDED - Custom Command "MC.ShowFavWindow" and "MC.ShowFavPopup"
  ADDED - View Filter popup now also show previous view filters that was set manually
  ADDED - Holding Shift when entering linked folder it will now follow link instead of resolving it
  ADDED - 3de party programs can now interact with MC using WM_COPYDATA messages. (Goto and GetCurrent... )
  ADDED - Picture exif properties to be shown as columns (ISO,Exposure,FNum,ExpBias,Flash)
  ADDED - Thumbnail overlay text can now be set to date or photoinfo
  ADDED - Tooltip delay and timeout times can now be change under tweak settings (Explorer Panel)
  ADDED - Alternative short admin tag for application title bar is now used if commandline option -A is set
  ADDED - Browse timeout can now be tweaked. (Only useful if you get double item issue)
  ADDED - Rar FileSystem extension is now built using the UnRAR 5.2.3 source.
  FIXED - Loading startup ini is no longer sensitive for pre/post white spaces.
  FIXED - When ExplorerStyle settings is used. Changed how color for focus item is set when panel is not in focus.
  FIXED - Fixed issue where device got removed from MC when it was formatted
  FIXED - File search sometimes failed to search file content if file was in use.
  FIXED - Portable/WPD will now show blank date if date property is not valid
  FIXED - Portable/WPD will use created date as default date to show instead of modified, if modifed is not valid
  FIXED - 6 crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Blog post comments / Next Version and some plans for 2015
« on: January 13, 2015, 18:41:22 »
Blog Post :

Use this forum post for commenting

Blog post comments / Fixes that should have been found earlier
« on: November 01, 2014, 15:42:57 »

Translations And Language Packs / Language Changes for v4.5 > v4.6
« on: October 21, 2014, 06:49:39 »
v4.6 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of the new language texts IDs for v4.6

Application - Multi Commander - ( MultiCommander_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
D - 1783
D - 1784

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
S - 483
S - 484

S - 551
S - 552
S - 553
S - 554

Application - PictureTools - ( MCPictureTools_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
M - 12
Code: [Select]
C - 100
C - 101
C - 102
C - 103
C - 104
C - 105
C - 106
C - 107
C - 108
C - 109
C - 120
C - 121
C - 122
C - 123
C - 124
C - 125
C - 126
C - 127

Code: [Select]
D - 50
D - 51
D - 52
D - 53
D - 54
D - 55
D - 56
D - 57
D - 58

Application - MCPictureViewer - ( MCPictureViewer_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
D - 500
D - 501
D - 502

D - 510
D - 512

D - 520
D - 522

D - 530
D - 531
D - 532
D - 533
D - 534
D - 535
D - 537
D - 538

D - 540
D - 541

Code: [Select]
C - 190
C - 195
C - 200
C - 201
C - 202
C - 203
C - 204
C - 205
C - 206
C - 207
C - 208
C - 209
C - 220

Application - MultiRename - ( MCMultiRename_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
C - 100
C - 101
C - 102
C - 103

Code: [Select]
D - 10

Blog post comments / Sneak Peak of Multi Commander v4.6
« on: October 04, 2014, 16:35:02 »
Blog Post :

Use this forum post for commenting

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 4.6 Beta
« on: October 04, 2014, 16:33:41 »
 Over 120+ Changes since v4.5

 -- Build 1780
  ADDED - MultiRename will now add item to its list in the same order they are shown in the Explorer Panel.
  ADDED - MultiRename support moving item up/down from hotkey or popup menu when right clicking on item
  FIXED - Save current column layout sometimes did not save the columns in the correct order.
  FIXED - QuickLaunchBar sometimes built the parameter list of dropped files wrong.
  FIXED - MultiLanguage issue with one of the color adjustments dialogs in PictureViewer
  FIXED - Redraw issues if cancel was pressed in the Brightness dialog in PictureViewer
  FIXED - Scrolling issues when scrolling to the right in List View mode.
  UPDATE- Language packs updated (DE,EN,FR,PL,RU,PT,CZ)

 -- Build 1777
  ADDED - Support for Italian - Created by Aldo
  ADDED - Picture Viewer can now adjust colors using gamma, brightness, grey scale, normalize and more.
  ADDED - Picture Viewer can now Save picture in another format.
  ADDED - Picture Viewer can now resize image.
  ADDED - Picture Viewer support undo (Ctrl+Z) after doing color changes.
  ADDED - Picture Tools can now batch resize images.
  ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.PictureTools.Convert"
  ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.PictureTools.Resize"
  ADDED - Image dimensions can now be shown as an overlay text on the thumbnail.
  ADDED - Button panel wizard will now add icon if the dropped file is a .exe
  ADDED - Add/Remove Selection now support regular expressions. start match with ":"
  ADDED - View filters now support regular expressions. Start filters with ":"  (File size equal filter moved to "=" )
  ADDED - QuickLaunchBar now support ${sourcepath} and ${targetpath} in parameter field
  FIXED - Thumbnail detailed view mode did not always show all columns.
  FIXED - Will now retry getting .exe icon if default .exe is returned. (Can happen if AV/Other software has a lock on the file)
  FIXED - Icon override if FileType Setup is no longer case sensitive
  FIXED - Column resize issue if a column got < 0 is size.
  FIXED - When viewing a file using external viewer the focused file will be used.
  FIXED - Thumbnail background thread will now update the main ui better.
  FIXED - 3 crash issues reported by Crash report system.

Blog post comments / Where is beta for v4.6 ?
« on: September 24, 2014, 17:07:47 »
Blog Post :

Use this forum post for commenting

Translations And Language Packs / Language Changes for v4.4 > v4.5
« on: August 14, 2014, 14:15:17 »
v4.5 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of new language texts IDs for v4.5

Application - Multi Commander - ( MultiCommander_lang_en.xml )

Code: [Select]
D - 1356
FileSystem - ToolTip
Code: [Select]
F - 27
Code: [Select]
G - 34
G - 150
G - 151

Code: [Select]
I - 450
Code: [Select]
S - 3360
(Minor change to existing language texts)
Code: [Select]
S - 3342
S - 3343

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

command (Menu and more)
Code: [Select]
M - 198
Code: [Select]
S - 528
S - 529

S - 542
S - 543
S - 544
S - 545
S - 546

Code: [Select]
D - 700
D - 701
D - 710
D - 711
D - 712
D - 715

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Default Settings
« on: August 06, 2014, 13:54:51 »
I'm reviewing the default settings, so got a question for ALL..

Are there any settings that you think should be X as default instead of Y ?

So what settings do you change when you done a fresh installation of MultiCommander ?

Beta Releases / MultiCommander v4.4.1 (Alpha)
« on: July 23, 2014, 15:05:39 »
v4.4.1 Alpha

  The FSFavorites Extension that allows favorites to be accessible from the filesystem is now working.
  If you find any issue or have ides on missing features for it let me know.

132+ Changes

 -- Build 1764
  ADDED - Now possible to choose what extended device items should be shown in the device dropdown list
  CHANGE- Removed some obsolete settings, Change some defaults.
  FIXED - Copy/Move progress window tries better to keep its since when queue is shown/hidden
  FIXED - Queue in Copy/Move progress window will try to show the alternative targetname if one is set.
  FIXED - Key combo for Quick Search in Explorer Panel will no longer trigger if more keys then configured are pressed
  FIXED - Eject/Disconnect command in Explorer Panel can now be customized
  FIXED - Exporting the list of keyboard shortcut will now be saved as Unicode (UTF16)
  FIXED - Handles insert/removal of devices that are mounted under a folder better
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system
  CHANGE- Changed how the tab is drawn. Is now more flat

 -- Build 1756
  CHANGE- Thumbnail queue management will now prioritized item that are currently visible
  FIXED - Fixed couple of scrollbar issues with Thumbnail list view when set to vertical scrolling.
  FIXED - Thread synchronization issue with thumbnail extraction that could sometimes cause a crash

 -- Build 1752
  FIXED - Couple of issue with Change View mode and refresh issue with view modes changes
 -- Build 1750
  ADDED - Thumbnail detailed mode can now Top/Center/Bottom align image (Look funny. Might remove this)
  ADDED - Thumbnail tweak option to "Crop to Square" Only valid if "Windows" Thumbnail engine is used and OS is Win8+
  ADDED - Vertical scrollmode can now be selected for Thumbnail List mode (Vertical is now the default mode)
  FIXED - Lots of internal change to make vertical scrolling work. Other things might be have been broken. please report navigation/scrolling issues
  FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system

 -- Build 1745
  ADDED - New experimental (proof of concept) view mode for the Explorer Panel.
          Thumbnail Detail that have both a thumbnail and detailed information.
          This new mode is very alpha and experimental.
          Let me know if you have any thoughts on what is missing, What should be configurable and other ideas/issue

 -- Build 1740
  ADDED - FSFavorites - various fixes and should now be usable
  ADDED - FSFavorites Now support right click to remove/change
  ADDED - FSFavorites can now delete sections.
  ADDED - FSFavorites will now run files that are linked to files.
  FIXED - MultiRename - negative value in rule was 0-based when start value was 1-based, Now both are 1 based
  FIXED - MultiRename - [F-4] rule now works (Just like [N-4])

 -- Build 1735
  ADDED - Drop of WebPage link from IE/Chrome into FSFavorite location will now create a web link
  ADDED - Drop file/folder to QuickLinks in FSFavorite now works.
  ADDED - Better support for drag of File/Folder to FSFavorite location in FolderTree
  FIXED - Problem with deleting from zip archive

--Build 1731
  ADDED - FSFavorite extension now support file Rename to rename favorites, MakeDir to create favorite folder
  ADDED - FSFavorite extension support Drop of file/folder to Create a new favorite item
  ADDED - Drop file/folder on Favorite item will now start copy to the target of the favorite item.
  FIXED - Quick Connect for FTP work again.
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system

Beta Releases / MultiCommander v4.4 - FSFav Beta
« on: July 17, 2014, 19:32:31 »
And you might have seen in the Beta for MultiCommander v4.4 there was a FileSystem plugin that allowed you to browse the favorites in the filesystem.

But for the final version of v4.4 it is not there. Or is it..?

This Plugin is still experimental and got some issues and was not ready for general release but it still is there, You just have to enable it.

Type ":fsfav 1" in the Command line field then restart MultiCommander and it will there again.  If you want to disable it again then type ":fsfav 0"

v4.4 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of new language texts IDs for v4.4

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

command (Menu and more)
Code: [Select]
M - 198
Dialogs and Popup Menus
Code: [Select]
D - 700
D - 701
D - 710
D - 711
D - 712
D - 713

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 4.4 Release Candidate
« on: July 05, 2014, 17:51:49 »
Change since v4.3.1

Over 74+ Changes. Some of them are...

-- Build 1720 - 2014-0713
  ADDED - FileSystem Plugin allowing the browsing of favorites in the filesystem (FAV:) (Experimental, might NOT be included in final release)
  FIXED - Browsing NET: works again.
  FIXED - Better UTF8 support for FTP
  FIXED - Customizing of the keys for ShowFavorites, Back, Forward, Show History is now kept between restarts
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system

-- Build 1716 - 2014-07-08
  ADDED - Quick Create folder menu can now be customized and are using MultiLanguage system
  ADDED - Quick Create folder item can now use date/time/filename tags
  FIXED - When launching multiple items using shell, it will now verify if the shell really allows the item to be launched
  FIXED - 1 crash issues reported by Crash report system

-- Build 1712 - 2014-07-05
  FIXED - Strange rounding that only happened on some file sizes when showing selected file size as GB
  FIXED - Drop popup menu 'extract' will now unpack to the correct path where the drop happened.
  FIXED - MultiScript function CopyFile with a target folder that does not exists will now update the views better.
  FIXED - FreeSpace field was not using the correct font. Was using FileList font
  FIXED - Fixed some scrollbar issues with the MultiDataViewer
  ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.ChangeSettings that can change some Explorer Panel settings in active panel only (Changes lost on restart)
  ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept Shift+F9 to insert date at caret position or replacing selected text
  ADDED - Installer reworked. Can now upgrade current installation and support installation of both 32bit and 64bit
  ADDED - Remote Desktop client shares \\TSClient now support. "TSClient" is added to NET: when Remote computer is connected
  ADDED - Create Folder button added to toolbar. Right click on it to show a list of some preset date folders to create (Will be customizable in the future.)

The Installer have been reworked.
You can now upgrade using the installer. And 32bit and 64bit can now both be installed.
Installer v4.4 Build 1720 (32bit)
Installer v4.4 Build 1720 (64bit)

Script / Script Documentation Updated
« on: June 17, 2014, 09:53:41 »
The Documentation for the new MultiScript functions added in v4.3 and for some other that was added before are now updated.






Also the list with all the Custom Commands have been updated

v4.3 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of new language texts IDs for v4.3

Application - Multi Commander - ( MultiCommander_lang_en.xml )

FileSystem (tooltip/status texts)
Code: [Select]

Custom command
Code: [Select]
U - 90
U - 91
U - 92
U - 93
U - 96
U - 97

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

Custom command
Code: [Select]
C - 180
C - 181

command (Menu and more)
Code: [Select]
M - 118
M - 189

Popup Menus
Code: [Select]
P - 400
P - 401
P - 402
P - 403
P - 410
P - 411
P - 412
P - 413

FileSystem - FSPortable - ( FSPortable_lang_en.xml )

New Plug-in so everything in this file is new

Code: [Select]
C - 100
Code: [Select]
S - 100
S - 150
S - 200
S - 300
S - 310
S - 320
S - 321
S - 322
S - 323
S - 324

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 4.3 Alpha
« on: May 10, 2014, 16:10:06 »
v4.3 Release Candidate is out for testing.

There is only one major new thing and it is a the new file system plugin "FSPortable" that allows access to portable device via the WPD/MTP interface.
Also some minor fixes and changes

117+ Changes since v4.2

Build 1694
  ADDED - Informative tooltip now shows all file dates.
  ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Delete now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
  ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F6 for replacing all illegal folder characters with space
  ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F7 for removing all space
  ADDED - Create Folder dialog now accept F9 for inserting todays date as name (ISO formatted as it will auto sort correctly and contains allowed characters)
  FIXED - Show Hidden popup on the toolbar reworked. And Hidden and System files can be changed separately
  FIXED - Unpack dialog will now default to source location.
  FIXED - Problem with FTP QuickConnect and Site Manager

Build 1691
  ADDED - CustomCommand MC.Explorer.Copy now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
  ADDED - MultiScript function CopyFile,MoveFile now support optional option "NEWQUEUE", "USEEXISTINGQUEUE"
  FIXED - FSPortable will now update the browsing counter if it takes a long time to scan the device
  ADDED - FSPortable will now show an storage icon for the storage object.
  ADDED - FSPortable is now using multi language system for settings page
  ADDED - Create folder dialog now accept a complete path, This will override the current location.
  ADDED - FSPortable is now using the new FileSystem API for getting and inserting files.
  SDK   - Added support for a new way to insert/get files from a FileSystem Plugin

Build 1688
  FIXED -  Free space check during copy for folders that are mounted devices now works correct
  FIXED -  Paths containing ~ sometimes got confused as a shorted 8.3 path
  FIXED -  Password protected zip archives now works. (Only standard zip password protection is supported)
  FIXED -  Password protected 7Zip archives now works better
  FIXED -  Folder tree now shows the correct folder name for folders that are mounted devices
  ADDED -  Folder tree now support that a folder might be drag from it and dropped someplace else for copy/move
  ADDED -  Portable devices will now show their free/available space information
  ADDED -  Refresh hotkey will now refresh foldertree if the folder tree is in focus when pressed
  ADDED -  History popup that shows visited path is now global, Not only for current panel.
  ADDED -  CustomCommand to force a refresh of the folder tree ( MC.Explorer.RefreshTree )
  ADDED -  Drag and drop data of TYMED_ISTORAGE type now supported
  FIXED -  1 crash issues reported by Crash report system
  SDK   -  A lot of refactoring of the IVolume interface

Build 1681
 ADDED- New virtual filesystem plugin "FSPortable"
 FIXED - Added size restriction to external files to 25MB
 FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system

FSPortable - Know issues
 * Connecting multiple device with same device name and you will only be able to access the first one.
 * When adding audio file to the device, Album art and meta data for music is not set. Some devices fixes this them self. some do not.
   (Not sure if it will be added so the FSPortable plugin does this or not )
 * Max file size limit of the device is not checked
 * Allowed content type of a folder is not checked. Write a file that is not allowed and the device will delete it without saying anything.
 * Free / Available space is not show. Plugin API does not yet support that.
 * Plugin not working on Windows XP

Beta Releases / Windows Portable Device Plugin v0.7.5
« on: May 04, 2014, 15:11:03 »
Here is a early alpha version of the coming WPD plugin for MC
This plugin allows you to browse/read/write to portable device that require the use of the WPD API. (Like smartphones,tables)

Know issues.
* The plugin is very alpha, Not tested very much. Expect it to cause MC to crash ones or twice.
* Rename and Move inside device do not work
* Do NOT have two identically named devices connected.  MC will not know one from the other. (Eg do not have two devices connect that both show up as "Nexus 7" )
* Right now it outputs A LOT of debug information into the application log window.
* A lot of strange uncommon use cases will probably not work
* Writing of audio/video to device will not set the metadata for the in the device. (Some devices do this automatically some don't)
* Plugin will not verify if content type is allowed in folder. If a audio file is sent to a folder that device do not allow audio in. the file might be automatically deleted by the device. some device report error some do it silent.
* Max device file size is not respected. If you write a file larger then max it might fail or be auto deleted by device, sometimes with error, sometimes silent.
* Devices that get removed/inserted are not automatically detected by MC.
* Probably many more strange issues.
* The plugin do not work on WindowsXP. (Not tested, But it I belive that it does not)

The download contain both the 32bit and 64bit version.

Copy the version you need to the MultiCommander installation folder.
 <MC Install location>\Extensions\FSPortableDevice\FSPortableDevice.dll

Restart MC, and you should now have a "Portable" device in the dropdown list.. (You can also access it with WPD: from command line field)


If something does not work look in the Application log (Ctrl+L), It will output all errors and other trace information there.
If to crashes then go to the log folder and look in the previous log file (They are named like "2014-05-04-(#####)-MultiCommander.log" )
(Type :golog on the command line field inside MC to go to log folder)

** Removed Old Comments here for 0.7 since it was no bugs reports or anything relevant **

Translations And Language Packs / Language Changes for v4.1 > v4.2
« on: April 10, 2014, 10:17:15 »
v4.2 Release Candidate is now locked for new language changes.. here is a list of new language texts IDs for v4.2

Application - Multi Commander - ( MultiCommander_lang_en.xml )

Column Properties
Code: [Select]

Custom Command
Code: [Select]

Color rules dialog - Font style
Code: [Select]

File attribute - Place Holder file (Win8.1+)
Code: [Select]
Error texts
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]

Hints texts
Code: [Select]

Application - Explorer Panel - ( ExplorerPanel_lang_en.xml )

Custom command
Code: [Select]
C - 95
C - 96
C - 109
C - 113
C - 114

Code: [Select]
S - 471
S - 660
S - 610

Beta Releases / Multi Commander 4.2 Beta
« on: February 22, 2014, 15:46:01 »
This release contains only some minor fixed 

  300+ Changes and some of them are...

-- Build 1669
  UPDATE - Updated Language Packs
  FIXED  - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system

-- Build 1665
  FIXED - QuickLaunchBar now works better with relative and enviroments paths.
  ADDED - Command line command ":one" now also work for going to OneDrive/SkyDrive folder
  ADDED - New MultiScript functions PathMakeRelativeMC(...), PathMakeAbsoluteMC(...), PathTranslatePath(...), TranslateEnvString(...)
  ADDED - User Defined Commands can now be duplicated.

-- Build 1660 ( 30-Mar-14 )
  FIXED - Color rules are now refresh when files are renamed or attributes changed (From inside MC)
  FIXED - Copying files to folder starting with ".." now works again. Eg "..Myfolder"
  FIXED - FileTypeSetup will not clear extension field if external program is selected
  FIXED - If sorting of column that shown extended info (data fetched in background), view will now resort automatically when data is ready.
  FIXED - Windows Shell context menu did not work in some locations.
  FIXED - Fixed a couple of strange issues with context menu handling
  FIXED - Fixed issue with overwriting existing file inside a zip archive.
  FIXED - Fixed refresh issues when a zip is rebuilt.
  FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system
  FIXED - Command line fields dropdown history is now shown and saved correct.
  ADDED - Button panel changed so it can not be undocked. Then no close button is shown making it look better
  ADDED - Button is the Button panel can now be drawn transparent.
  ADDED - New column that shows the length of the name or fullpath.
  ADDED - Added option to enable/disable the refresh tab when application focus is returned to MultiCommander
  ADDED - Command line field can now show hits/tips when not used. (Can be disabled in core settings)

-- Build 1650  ( 22-Mar-14 )
  FIXED - Lots of more DPI scaling issues fixed. MC now look good in 150% DPI. Still some issue with 125%
  FIXED - Improved error handling and error reporting of read/write errors.
  FIXED - A lot of minor fixes and changes to error handling
  FIXED - Placeholder file is now being identified (Win8.1+ only)
  FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system
  FIXED - When unpacking rar it could happen it complained that disk was full even if disk was not full.
  ADDED - Option for "Expand folder hovering over during drag and drop in folder tree". (Was always enabled before, can now be disabled)
  ADDED - Option if a new tab should be opened when browsing to new location in a locked tab.
  ADDED - Rule Based file coloring can now be configured to also change font style like Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikeout
  ADDED - Custom command MC.Explorer.NewBrowser now support TABCOLORS,TABNAME,TABLOCK paramters
  ADDED - New Custom command MC.Explorer.SetTabProp for setting tab properties like color, on existing tab
  ADDED - Duplicating a Explorer Panel tab. or opening a folder from one tab into a new tab. New tab will recieve same custom Tab Colors.
  ADDED - Custom Command MC.FileSystem.Unpack

-- Build 1640 ( 2-Mar-14 )
 FIXED - Lots of DPI scaling issue (Mostly tested on 150% DPI scaling)
 ADDED - Doing TapAndHold on touch devices will now be a right click. (Show context menu in most places)
 ADDED - Upgrade build system for MultiCommander to VisualStudio 2013 update 1
 FIXED - Improved error logging in a couple of places.
 FIXED - 2 crash issues reported by Crash report system

-- Build 1630
  FIXED - Last beta release was missing updated language packs.

-- Build 1629
  ADDED - MultiFileViewer have experimental support for line filtering (grep)
  FIXED - Some minor high DPI issues fixed.
  FIXED - Some icons was messed up if icon cached was cleared
  FIXED - 6 crash issues reported by Crash report system

-- Build 1623
  FIXED - Internal read/write buffer optimizations.
  FIXED - Context Menu key on keyboard now works for the ".." item
  FIXED - The settings "Remember Selected files/folders when changing path" now works again. (can be turned off)
  FIXED - Better error handling in a couple of places.
  FIXED - Improved error logging.

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