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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 176
Support and Feedback / Re: List/Index Of Files and Folders
« on: September 25, 2024, 12:46:27 »
select all files from the search and then Menu > Tools > To Clipboard > (xxx)  and you get a  list of all them in different format.. then past into what ever program you want.. if you paste into a folder in MC it will create a text file for you

If none of the format suites you need. then you can do it in Multiscript

Beta Releases / Re: v14.2 BETA
« on: September 21, 2024, 12:23:39 »
Will fix that.

Hm yes maybe always show it.

I see if I get some time to fix and push out a release soon.. Been very busy studying for some MS certificate for work, So right now I have very lite free time..

Support and Feedback / Re: 3 Screens (panels)
« on: September 21, 2024, 12:22:05 »
No. the concept in MC is around the source /target panel.. that the panel that is in focus is always the default source and the 'other' visible is the target..
You can however have multiple tabs

Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander crash at startup
« on: September 19, 2024, 21:22:48 »
Yes looks like something is blocking the access and just dropping the connect

Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander crash at startup
« on: September 18, 2024, 09:32:23 »
Guess that the company also blocked so that not crash report was sent ?

Sorry, I'm not sure here. Do you mean you SHOULD have received some automatic report ? Or are you talking about the standard windows application crash reports ?

Anyway, if you want me to send you something I can replicate the issue with the brand new portable packages I downloaded...

I may also want to ask you : about the future updates, since I have to deal with them manually from now on... is there a way I can setup them without losing all my customized settings : keyboard bindings, recorded sessions, etc ???

No.. Normally when MC crashes it sends a crash report and shows a dialog with a crashId. If you did not get this. not crash report was sent..
If it was and I have the CrashId. I can manually check the crash report and I can often we why it crashed

If running the MultiUpdat tool. if you enable show info checkbox.. You see the file it download. download that maually. and in MultiTool and in settings you can select to update from file.
But full installer should not overwrite settings. all settings are in user folder..  the installer should not touch them. (You can backup them first from Help menu just in case..)

Support and Feedback / Re: Multicommander crash at startup
« on: September 17, 2024, 21:22:57 »
Strange. Cant replicate that. But yes. might have something to do with company firewall or something.

Guess that the company also blocked so that not crash report was sent ?

Menu > Configuration > Core Settings > FileSystem (Tab)
Under the section "Junctions and symlinks" there is a settings for sizing Folder. change it to not follow links

Beta Releases / MCWebAccess (Experimental Extension)
« on: August 26, 2024, 10:48:22 »
MCWebAccess is an experimental extension that enables you to access files shared via MC directly from a web browser.

What Problem Does It Solve?
Imagine you're working on your laptop and need to quickly share a file with a colleague or friend. Normally, you might use Windows file sharing, but this comes with challenges:
  • Network Restrictions: If you're not on the same network, you may need to configure settings that can be complex or cumbersome.
  • Corporate Firewalls: Corporate firewalls or administrative restrictions might block file-sharing features, making it difficult or impossible to share files this way.
  • File Size Limitations: Emailing large attachments often isn't feasible due to size limitations.
  • Cloud Services Blocked: Cloud storage might be blocked by corporate policies, or transferring large files can be slow.
  • USB Stick Hassles: You might resort to using a USB stick, but this isn't always convenient or practical.

MCWebAccess addresses these issues by providing an easier way to share files within your local network. When you start the extension, it hosts a local web server, allowing your colleague or friend to access shared files using a browser. Although you might need to open the incoming port on your computer, this is typically simpler than configuring Windows file sharing.

Additionally, MCWebAccess makes it easy to transfer larger files between your phone and computer over Wi-Fi, eliminating the need for USB cables.

Important Limitations - READ THIS
  • Local Network Only: MCWebAccess is designed exclusively for sharing files within a local network. It is not intended for internet-based file sharing.
  • Security Risks: Currently, there is no login or authentication mechanism, making it unsuitable for use over the internet. Running the extension on an internet-connected device poses significant security risks.
  • Early Experimental Version: This is a very early, experimental version of the extension, aimed at identifying which features to add in future updates. It is not intended to be left running unattended.

Note: Do not use MCWebAccess if your computer is directly connected to the internet. It is meant to be used only on a local network.

v0.1 (x64 only) Download (Minimum required MC build 3026)

* Unpack into Extension folder
* Restart MultiCommander
* Menu > Extension > MCWebAccess
* Drag folder / file to should be available to the "virtual workspace"
* Press the start button to start listening for web access , By default on port 9001. (can be changed.)  http:\\

Leave Feedback
Please leave feedback if these extension would be useful for you. What features you want and so on.
This is a very early experimental version. There are lots of things that can be added. But I do not want to spend time on features that is not needed.
So what features do you need ?
If I don't get any feedback this extension might be scraped for public release.
I created this to solve a problem for me, and I can live with very limited features and bugs.

 * Add virtual folder.
 * Add Permission to if upload or download should be allowed.
 * Add so it only accepts connect from some IPs
 * Better Web UI (react ?. Already using WebSockets for upload)
 * Lots more.

Or use command line parameters to the .exe

-ENABLE-APPLOG - Enable full logging for application log.
-ENABLE_FSLOG - Enable full logging for FileSystem log.
-ENABLE_FOLOG - Enable full file operations log.
-ENABLE_ALL_LOGS - Enable full logging for all logs.

MultiCommander.exe -ENABLE-APPLOG

Last Windows position is stored.
It is not stored on the normal configuration since it is not information that is user configured.
For installed version in the registry for portable in the registry mirror files (.ini)

Not sure why it is not saved for you. I cannot replicate that, If you are using some sort of sandboxing it may clean out the registry between runs..

Exactly what it say on the splash screen is not relevant, since the startup is parallell and it does many things at once. If you enable full logging everything it does in outputed to the application log

hangs at startup is often it is because some some network device that windows think is online but is offline.
During startup MC will get information about all available device. And Windows sometimes sees network connected device that are offline as "not offline" at it will hang there until it timeout

@Mathias (Author),
I think @Balu just wants to hide the entire header with column names, not the particular column itself.
Yes, that is correct!

Ah remove the header.. no that is not currently supported. without the header you would not be able to change the sorting to something else or to change the width of the name columns..

Correct is cannot be removed.. It will prevent you from removing the 'Name' field in 'List' mode . If you removed it, it would result in a blank list and you would not see any files.  since in List mode 'Name' is the only field that are shown.

If you remove column 'Name' in list mode. there would be nothing that was shown.. the list would be empty since only name is shown

False positives happens a lot.  The security software sees that this software do lots of files things. so it much be suspicious.
It often fix it self after a while. Not much I can do to make it not happen.

Support and Feedback / Re: Open folder link in new tab
« on: July 17, 2024, 09:36:00 »
by default ' Middle click' will open in new tab on other side

You can configure the Mouse action in Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse Configuration
There you can select what action you want for the buttons.
Eg change so it is opened in same side

OneDrive is using virtual placeholder files (might be that other cloud venders also have moved over to that), Windows has done some changes to how they are identified, and they are now colliding with how junctions links are identified.

Im not able to reproduce that
If you start foldersize from shortcut or from Menu > Tools > Calculate folder size , Same result ?

Is there something special with those folder ? permission ? symlinks or something ?

The "Always rescan folders" has nothing to do with folder sizing. It is if a folder always should should rescan the content of the folder when entering, even if folder hint say nothing has changed

Not sure what issue you have, I have not seen any issue running 32bit apps. Run lots of them.
Yes Windows will virtualize some system folders for them. But that is needed else it would not run. part of the emulation. Eg System dlls must be loaded from Windows\SySWOW64  and not System32\ folder,  (That it is called 32 is just for combability reason. for 64bit version it contain 64bit version of dlls)

MC do not have any control over that.. that is handled by Windows.

WOW64 is what allows 32bit apps to run on 64bit system.
Or is it a .NET application that are build as ANYCPU ? so it runs as 64bit on 64bit system and 32bit on 32bit system ?
If it is .NET application you can force it to run in 32bit with

CorFlags.exe App.exe /32Bit+

and with you can then remove that flag again with
CorFlags.exe App.exe /32Bit-

Support and Feedback / Re: Default Forum Notification Settings..
« on: July 05, 2024, 09:59:47 »
I will take a look

Well,  Wikipeda has kind of a rule that you are not allowed to added or edit pages about your self and such. So If I add it my self I think it will be reverted as bias or something..

Support and Feedback / Re: Default Forum Notification Settings..
« on: July 04, 2024, 22:53:50 »
I don't think the default can be changed for that.
I see now settings to change the default of it

Beta Releases / v14.2 BETA
« on: July 04, 2024, 22:41:48 »

Build 3020 - 24-Jul-2024
 UPDATE- Updated unrar code to 7.0.9
 FIXED - Getting folder size works for OneDrive folder again
 FIXED - 2 Stability issues

Build 3019 - 6-Jul-2024

 ADDED - Tab-area will now show a folder icon if tabs in tabarea is full, When clicking on icon a popup list is shown with all tabs
 ADDED - The dialog shown when closing lock tabs, now has a "Yes to all" option
 ADDED - MC.LoadTabs custom command now has a "DoNotAsk" option to suppress the dialog that is shown when tabs are locked
 FIXED - Focus rect in FolderTree almost not visibile in DarkMode

Build 3018 - 4-Jul-2024

 ADDED - Now possible to change the auto error handing settings from the progress dialog
 ADDED - DataPreview templates now support to change the font.
 FIXED - DataPreview that show file content will now respect the font size specified in the template
 FIXED - DataPreview Panel how shown correct in none dark mode

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy Window issues
« on: July 02, 2024, 22:21:38 »
I tried CTRL+L but nothing really interesting except:
2024-07-02 18:56:45.049 [7656] WaitForState : wait for 6 , current state is 2
I got it several times, but then I abandonned the copy.
I tried again the copy but no more error and copy did not worked.
I also obtained the list of errors once, and all the files were flagged as "protected". I tried again with protected files forced but the move was still stuck.
In the day, I also had a ".htaccess" file which stuck a folder deletion.
I did not had the error box today, so nothing much to say here.
I did not pushed to far the tests because I wonder if once the copy/move/delete window had an issue, maybe all other tests are useless because of something stuck till I restart the program.

Note : using a portable version, not installed
Note 2 : I am using the application using a standard user, and also another instance (in a separate program folder) using administrator elevation

I also saw you have made a bunch of changes in the latest version regarding copy/move options to avoid the window to get stuck, I have not played too much with it but it is geatly appreciated

WaitForState is not an error. it is information on what it does. waiting for the write process to complete before continue.

Hard to say why you have issues. normally there are information about the errors in the logs.
Might be that it gets stuck waiting for Windows to complete a write request or something. But hard to say with limited information on what is happening

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