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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 ... 182
Strange I can not make that happened..

Strange, if I navigate into the zip and start a copy operation to WPD, I get the dialog saying it it not possible.
Not sure what you did to get around that

No, unsupported senario.
WPD does not support stream read/writes.. it only support Upload/Download to WPD device from/to local disk.

Automatic middle storage on local drive (%temp%) and then copy to Extension is planed.

Btw you should get a dialog saying "Operation is not support supported for this fs/archive"
How did you start the copy operation ?

Something like
Code: [Select]
@var $file = GetSourceFocusPath();
$file = PathGetNamePart($file, 1);

MC.Run CMD="C:\ExeToRun.exe" ARG="{$file}"

Use MultiScript instead of external. then you can manipulate the path and change what you want

For multiscript you have PathGetNamePart(..) that can return filename without extension.

And the embeded dialogs thing creates issue, And I think the date/time pickers does not allow for changing colors..
Changing it to allow dark mode is not just a click.. each controller on the page require a lot of extra work. and there are a lot of UI controllers on those pages

Problem is that most standard windows UI components does not support it. Windows still does not support dark mode for the old standard UI compoents. Many of them It can be tweaked to make it work.
But the problem is that the advanced dialog is using UI components that does not really allow for it.
So it require lots of rewrites. And I have not had time for that

Guess that page got lost in the webpage rebuild. I see if I can find it somewhere

Script / Re: Where is the scripts log file located?
« on: January 10, 2025, 08:17:31 »
When you say save it ..  do you mean using external editor ? then yes. MC will not reload it automatically.

Use build in editor or the MultiScriptDebugger, it can also save the script.

You often test the script anyway in the Debugger to be able to go step by step to see so everything work..

The FolderTree does currently not support that.

Support and Feedback / Re: How to migrate user defined commands
« on: January 09, 2025, 16:55:17 »
MultiCommanders update tool will update the portable setup. It will not delete or overwrite anything it should not.

If you want to migrate manually.. then copy everything in Config/* from your current portable to the new portable.

Script / Re: Where is the scripts log file located?
« on: January 09, 2025, 14:46:12 »
The doc is a bit out dated.. But all script are stored externally now.

look in

<script ID>.udc

You can rename it to something else. just keep the .udc extension..

Script / Re: Where is the scripts log file located?
« on: January 09, 2025, 07:39:52 »
Ctrl+L open the LogWindow of the App. I think LogDumpArray() will output to the Application Log tab there

But use the MultiScript Debugger under the help menu when you writing script. it helps a lot. it is very basic. but you see variables and you step the script row by row

Support and Feedback / Re: How to migrate user defined commands
« on: January 08, 2025, 21:56:30 »
All the UDC scripts are located in Config\Scripts\ the upgrade tool should not delete them.

How do you upgrade to new version ?

Support and Feedback / Re: button panel text not saved.
« on: January 08, 2025, 12:41:08 »

No that is the User file, This files is loaded by MC if it exits.. If you edit buttons in MC, this file will be updated

The file under the install folder is the "Default" file that is used if the file under the account profile does not exists. So if the file C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\MultiButtons.xml does not exists. (As in a NEW fresh install) then it will copy the file from the install folder to the user profile and use that.
When you update MC. the file in the Install folder can be update. so the default layout can be changed. but as soon as you have a file under your user profile. that will not be copied over..

You should never modify the files under program files (install folder).  They can always be overwritten by installer. They are default files to use if user copy of the file does not exists.

IF you run in portable mode. it is different. But then you do not have files under your user profile.

Beta Releases / v14.6 BETA
« on: January 07, 2025, 14:27:56 »
v14.6 ( Build 3056 ) - 2025-01-07

  15+ Changes

  ADDED - TabSession can now be accessed from the toolbar IF you have any tab sessions defined
  FIXED - Updated 3rd party Zip library, Now empty folders and empty zip files are handled correctly again.
  FIXED - Shortcuts for 'FindFiles' now show assigned hotkey in tooltop and menu
  REMOVE- Removed duplicated command for FindFiles.
  ADDED - Checksum tool now support .sha,.sha1, .sha256, .sha512 files to verify and create
  FIXED - 5 Stability issues

Not currently. To map to shell properties are not very user friendly. so it is not exposed.. Also Icaros does not publish the property names that would be needed

Support and Feedback / Re: button panel text not saved.
« on: January 06, 2025, 11:07:56 »
No.. As I said..

The file under your userprofile is NOT change by the update.
It will copy and use the file from the install folder IF the file is missing in user profile. but only then

It is only change if you edit the buttons in Menu > Configuration > Button Editor, or activate changing the button by clicking on the "wizard mode '(on/off)' button.. Then it will save your modifications by creating a new MultiButtons.xml file and overwriting the old.
So if you had manual changes in that file. they are gone since the file was rewritten with new configuration in them.

Support and Feedback / Re: Open RecycleBinFolder
« on: January 03, 2025, 19:51:29 »
You can create a UserDefinedCommand that execute an external command

"explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder"

and then assign a that command to a button/menu/hotkey

Support and Feedback / Re: Open RecycleBinFolder
« on: January 03, 2025, 11:43:42 »
MC does not have support for manage the recycling bin yet. it is on the list.

Support and Feedback / Re: Update problem
« on: January 03, 2025, 11:42:18 »
Not sure what is going wrong for you if the download or unpacking of the file. can be that some security software stops it.
What it does is to update the update tool.
But you can download the file manually using the Link see there. the Multiupdate_( file contains just an .exe file
unpack that and replace it with the original exe file.

(You should not ignore it, since it can make future updates of MC fail, since they expect a newer version of the tool)

Since MC is not built on top of the Windows Shell. MC do not automatically get access to the shell properties.

MC do access some of them for some properties but they are mapped one by one.

7zip supports zip

That is different.
7Zip have there own format (7z) that is a totally different from zip. But the 7zip exe also include other formats like zip and more

It is quite advanced. It has support for most things. There are not many free c++ lib that support most zip features.
Problem is the Zip standard is OLD , it is from 1989. and been patched to support newer requirements. and not all zip/unzip code are following all the added specs completely. It is a real mess.

Support and Feedback / Re: Windows registry keys
« on: January 01, 2025, 16:11:10 »
MC have moved to "MultiCommander" but Update tool still used "Multi Commander" for Backwards combability

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